11R23. Advanced Theory of Mechanisms and Machines. Foundations of Engineering Mechanics. - MZ Kolovsky, AN Evgrafov, YA Semenov, AV Slousch (State Tech Univ, Kondratievsky 56-24, St Petersburg, 195197, Russia). Springer-Verlag, Berlin. 2000. 394 pp. ISBN 3-540-67168-4. $109.00.
Reviewed by ZW Dybczak (129 Arrowhead Dr, Montgomery AL 36117-4140).
This is a textbook based on a lecture series taught by the authors for many years at the former Leningrad Polytechnic Institute (now the St Petersburg State Technical University). The academic treatment of the subject goes beyond the scope of beginning textbooks on mechanisms and dynamics of machinery. Understandably, the electric range of topics covered in this volume suggests its usefulness in didactics rather than design.
A concept of degrees of movability, defined as the number of inputs (independent variables) in a more complex machine, offers the basis of multiple input analysis. Graphs and “structural diagrams” complement the topics of Chapter 1....