The study was aimed to test the hypothesis that in the knee extension range 100 to 30 deg, the patellar “out-of-plane” tracking pattern is controlled by the passive restraint provided by the topographic interaction of the patellofemoral contacting surfaces. The out-of-plane tracking pattern, i.e., the pattern of patellar displacements not in the plane of knee extension/flexion, consists of translation in the medial–lateral direction, and rotations about the anterior–posterior axis (spin) and the proximal–distal axis (tilt). Using 15 fresh-frozen knees subjected to extensor moment magnitudes comparable to those in the “static-lifting” activity (foot-ground reaction=334 N), the patellar displacements were measured using a calibrated six-degree-of-freedom electromechanical goniometer. The topographies of the trochlear and retropatellar surfaces were then measured using a calibrated traveling dial-gage arrangement and the same coordinate system used for the displacement measurements. Three indices were defined to quantify particular natural features of the three-dimensional topographies that are expected to control the patellar displacements. Correlation of the indices with their corresponding displacements showed that topographic interaction was significant in the control of all three displacements. However, for patellar spin, unlike for the other two displacements, the direction of the active quadriceps tension vector was also a significant controlling factor. Patellar medial–lateral translation was found to be controlled dominantly by the trochlear topography, while retropatellar topography also had a significant role in the control of the other two displacements. [S0148-0731(00)01406-0]
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December 2000
Technical Papers
Correlation of Patellar Tracking Pattern With Trochlear and Retropatellar Surface Topographies
A. M. Ahmed,
A. M. Ahmed
Department of Mechanical Engineering, McGill University, Montreal, Quebec, Canada
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N. A. Duncan
N. A. Duncan
Department of Mechanical Engineering, McGill University, Montreal, Quebec, Canada
Search for other works by this author on:
A. M. Ahmed
Department of Mechanical Engineering, McGill University, Montreal, Quebec, Canada
N. A. Duncan
Department of Mechanical Engineering, McGill University, Montreal, Quebec, Canada
Contributed by the Bioengineering Division for publication in the JOURNAL OF BIOMECHANICAL ENGINEERING. Manuscript received by the Bioengineering Division May 18, 1999; revised manuscript received July 24, 2000. Associate Technical Editor: R. Vanderby, Jr.
J Biomech Eng. Dec 2000, 122(6): 652-660 (9 pages)
Published Online: July 24, 2000
Article history
May 18, 1999
July 24, 2000
Ahmed , A. M., and Duncan, N. A. (July 24, 2000). "Correlation of Patellar Tracking Pattern With Trochlear and Retropatellar Surface Topographies ." ASME. J Biomech Eng. December 2000; 122(6): 652–660.
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