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Journal Articles
Publisher: ASME
Article Type: Research-Article
J. Electrochem. En. Conv. Stor. October 2015, 12(5): 051006.
Paper No: FC-15-1040
Published Online: November 3, 2015
... September 15, 2015; published online November 3, 2015. Assoc. Editor: Dr Masashi Mori. 15 06 2015 15 09 2015 Fuel cell applications Fuels Hydrogen Modeling Solid oxide fuel cells Infrastructure Hydrogen produces energy after reacting with oxygen, with water as the only...
Journal Articles
Publisher: ASME
Article Type: Research-Article
J. Electrochem. En. Conv. Stor. February 2015, 12(1): 011004.
Paper No: FC-14-1069
Published Online: February 1, 2015
... of PBRs used to grow microalgae for biofuels and bioproducts. Efficiency Fuels Infrastructure Modeling Dependency on fossil fuels is leading the world to a global energy crisis, and the extensive use of fossil fuels is viewed as a key contributor to climate change. Significant research...