Recently, microchannel heat sinks have been emerged as a kind of high performance cooling scheme to meet the heat dissipation requirement of electronics packaging and integration. In this study, an experimental investigation of subcooled flow boiling in a high-aspect-ratio rectangular microchannel was conducted with de-ionized water as the working fluid. In the experimental operations, the mass flux was varied from 200 to 400 kg/m2s and the imposed heat flux from 3 to 20 W/cm2 while the fluid inlet temperature was regulated constantly at 90 °C. The boiling curves, onset of nucleate boiling (ONB), and flow patterns of subcooled flow boiling were investigated with the aid of instrumental measurements and a high-speed camera. The slope of the boiling curves increased sharply once the superheat needed to initiate the onset of nucleate boiling was attained, with lower superheat required of boiling incipience for lower mass fluxes. Meanwhile, the initiative superheat and heat flux of onset of nucleate boiling were compared with the existing correlations in the literature with good agreement. As for the flow visualization images, slug flow and reverse backflow were observed, where transient local dryout as well as rewetting occurred. A facile image processing tool was developed to profile the transient development and progression of the liquid–vapor interface and partial dryout patches in microchannels, which proved that the physical quantities of bubble dynamics for the elongation period during subcooled boiling could be well detected and calculated.
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September 2019
Heat Transfer Characteristics and Flow Pattern Visualization for Flow Boiling in a Vertical Narrow Microchannel
Kan Zhou,
Kan Zhou
Department of Energy Engineering,
Zhejiang University,
38 Zheda Road,
Hangzhou 310027, China
Zhejiang University,
38 Zheda Road,
Hangzhou 310027, China
Search for other works by this author on:
Hua Zhu,
Hua Zhu
Department of Energy Engineering,
Zhejiang University,
Hangzhou 310027, China
Zhejiang University,
38 Zheda Road
,Hangzhou 310027, China
1Corresponding authors.
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Wei Li,
Wei Li
Department of Energy Engineering,
Zhejiang University,
Hangzhou 310027, China
Zhejiang University,
38 Zheda Road
,Hangzhou 310027, China
1Corresponding authors.
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Junye Li,
Junye Li
Department of Energy Engineering;
Co-Innovation Center for Advanced Aero-Engine,
Zhejiang University,
Hangzhou 310027, China
Co-Innovation Center for Advanced Aero-Engine,
Zhejiang University,
38 Zheda Road
,Hangzhou 310027, China
Search for other works by this author on:
Kuang Sheng,
Kuang Sheng
College of Electrical Engineering,
Zhejiang University,
Hangzhou 310027, China
Zhejiang University,
38 Zheda Road
,Hangzhou 310027, China
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Shuai Shao,
Shuai Shao
College of Electrical Engineering,
Zhejiang University,
Hangzhou 310027, China
Zhejiang University,
38 Zheda Road
,Hangzhou 310027, China
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Haiwang Li,
Haiwang Li
School of Energy and Power Engineering,
Beijing University of Aeronautics and
Astronautics (BUAA),
Beijing 100191, China
Beijing University of Aeronautics and
Astronautics (BUAA),
37 Xueyuan Road
,Beijing 100191, China
Search for other works by this author on:
Zhi Tao
Zhi Tao
School of Energy and Power Engineering;
National Key Laboratory on Aero-Engines,
School of Jet P,
Beijing University of Aeronautics and
Astronautics (BUAA),
Beijing 100191, China
National Key Laboratory on Aero-Engines,
School of Jet P,
Beijing University of Aeronautics and
Astronautics (BUAA),
37 Xueyuan Road
,Beijing 100191, China
Search for other works by this author on:
Kan Zhou
Department of Energy Engineering,
Zhejiang University,
38 Zheda Road,
Hangzhou 310027, China
Zhejiang University,
38 Zheda Road,
Hangzhou 310027, China
Hua Zhu
Department of Energy Engineering,
Zhejiang University,
Hangzhou 310027, China
Zhejiang University,
38 Zheda Road
,Hangzhou 310027, China
Wei Li
Department of Energy Engineering,
Zhejiang University,
Hangzhou 310027, China
Zhejiang University,
38 Zheda Road
,Hangzhou 310027, China
Junye Li
Department of Energy Engineering;
Co-Innovation Center for Advanced Aero-Engine,
Zhejiang University,
Hangzhou 310027, China
Co-Innovation Center for Advanced Aero-Engine,
Zhejiang University,
38 Zheda Road
,Hangzhou 310027, China
Kuang Sheng
College of Electrical Engineering,
Zhejiang University,
Hangzhou 310027, China
Zhejiang University,
38 Zheda Road
,Hangzhou 310027, China
Shuai Shao
College of Electrical Engineering,
Zhejiang University,
Hangzhou 310027, China
Zhejiang University,
38 Zheda Road
,Hangzhou 310027, China
Haiwang Li
School of Energy and Power Engineering,
Beijing University of Aeronautics and
Astronautics (BUAA),
Beijing 100191, China
Beijing University of Aeronautics and
Astronautics (BUAA),
37 Xueyuan Road
,Beijing 100191, China
Zhi Tao
School of Energy and Power Engineering;
National Key Laboratory on Aero-Engines,
School of Jet P,
Beijing University of Aeronautics and
Astronautics (BUAA),
Beijing 100191, China
National Key Laboratory on Aero-Engines,
School of Jet P,
Beijing University of Aeronautics and
Astronautics (BUAA),
37 Xueyuan Road
,Beijing 100191, China
1Corresponding authors.
Contributed by the Electronic and Photonic Packaging Division of ASME for publication in the JOURNAL OF ELECTRONIC PACKAGING. Manuscript received October 24, 2018; final manuscript received April 11, 2019; published online May 17, 2019. Assoc. Editor: Benjamin Leever.
J. Electron. Packag. Sep 2019, 141(3): 031006 (12 pages)
Published Online: May 17, 2019
Article history
October 24, 2018
April 11, 2019
Zhou, K., Zhu, H., Li, W., Li, J., Sheng, K., Shao, S., Li, H., and Tao, Z. (May 17, 2019). "Heat Transfer Characteristics and Flow Pattern Visualization for Flow Boiling in a Vertical Narrow Microchannel." ASME. J. Electron. Packag. September 2019; 141(3): 031006.
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