In this paper, a novel approach of middle-temperature solar hydrogen production using methanol steam reforming is proposed. It can be carried out at around , much lower than the temperatures of other solar thermochemical hydrogen production. For the realization of the proposed solar hydrogen production, solar experiments are investigated in a modified 5 kW solar receiver/reactor with one-tracking parabolic trough concentrators. The feature of significantly upgrading the energy level from lower-grade solar thermal energy to higher-grade chemical energy is experimentally identified. The interaction between the hydrogen yield and the energy-level upgrade of solar thermal energy is clarified. Also, this kind of solar hydrogen production is experimentally compared with methanol decomposition. The preliminarily economic evaluation of the hydrogen production is identified. As a result, in the solar-driven steam reforming, the thermochemical efficiency of solar thermal energy converted into chemical energy reached up to 40–50% under a mean solar flux of , and exceeding 90% of hydrogen production is achieved, with about 70% higher than that of methanol decomposition. The thermochemical performance of solar-driven methanol steam reforming experimentally examined at around for hydrogen production may be competitive with conventional methane reforming. The promising results obtained here indicate that the proposed solar hydrogen production may provide the possibility of a synergetic process of both high production of hydrogen and effective utilization of solar thermal energy at around .
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March 2009
Research Papers
Solar Hydrogen Production Integrating Low-Grade Solar Thermal Energy and Methanol Steam Reforming
Hui Hong,
Hui Hong
Institute of Engineering Thermophysics,
Chinese Academy of Sciences
, P.O. Box 2706, Beijing 100080, P. R. C.
Hui Hong is an Associate Professor of Engineering Thermophysics at the Chinese Academy of Sciences. Dr. Hong received a Ph.D. degree in Engineering Thermophysics from the Chinese Academy of Sciences. Dr. Hong’s current research includes: solar thermal power system, solar thermochemical processes, capture, energy conversion and process for hybridizing renewable energy and fossil fuel, analysis and optimization of energy systems. The results of these studies have been reported in 36 publications. In 2007, Dr. Hong received the best paper of The 3rd International Green Energy Conference (Sweden), and the Young Scientists award of the Efficiency, Cost, Optimization Simulation and Environmental Impact of Energy Systems (ECOS 2007, Italy).
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Qibin Liu,
Qibin Liu
Institute of Engineering Thermophysics,
Chinese Academy of Sciences
, P.O. Box 2706, Beijing 100080, P. R. C.; Graduate School, Chinese Academy of Sciences
, P.O. Box 2706, Beijing 100080, P. R. C.
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Hongguang Jin
Hongguang Jin
Institute of Engineering Thermophysics,
Chinese Academy of Sciences
, P.O. Box 2706, Beijing 100080, P. R. C.
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Hui Hong
Hui Hong is an Associate Professor of Engineering Thermophysics at the Chinese Academy of Sciences. Dr. Hong received a Ph.D. degree in Engineering Thermophysics from the Chinese Academy of Sciences. Dr. Hong’s current research includes: solar thermal power system, solar thermochemical processes, capture, energy conversion and process for hybridizing renewable energy and fossil fuel, analysis and optimization of energy systems. The results of these studies have been reported in 36 publications. In 2007, Dr. Hong received the best paper of The 3rd International Green Energy Conference (Sweden), and the Young Scientists award of the Efficiency, Cost, Optimization Simulation and Environmental Impact of Energy Systems (ECOS 2007, Italy).
Institute of Engineering Thermophysics,
Chinese Academy of Sciences
, P.O. Box 2706, Beijing 100080, P. R. C.Institute of Engineering Thermophysics,
Chinese Academy of Sciences
, P.O. Box 2706, Beijing 100080, P. R. C.; Graduate School, Chinese Academy of Sciences
, P.O. Box 2706, Beijing 100080, P. R. C.Institute of Engineering Thermophysics,
Chinese Academy of Sciences
, P.O. Box 2706, Beijing 100080, P. R. C.e-mail:
J. Energy Resour. Technol. Mar 2009, 131(1): 012601 (10 pages)
Published Online: February 5, 2009
Article history
September 13, 2007
June 13, 2008
February 5, 2009
Hong, H., Liu, Q., and Jin, H. (February 5, 2009). "Solar Hydrogen Production Integrating Low-Grade Solar Thermal Energy and Methanol Steam Reforming." ASME. J. Energy Resour. Technol. March 2009; 131(1): 012601.
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