The Secret Service has recently developed a technique of utilizing time-lapse photography in conjunction with fiber optic and helium-neon light sources in recording the striae appearing along the edges of single counterfeit notes. It appears that thus far, the fiber optic system of photographically recording striae criteria is superior to the laser systems. Future research is designed to improve the resolution of the laser process together with attempting to store and retrieve automatically the striae identifying criteria from appropriate computer hardware.
Issue Section:
Research Papers
, D. J.
, “The Identification of Paper Cutting Knives and Paper Cutters
,” Journal of Criminal Law and Police Science
, Vol. 44
, 1953
, pp. 262
, P.
, “Identification and Photography of Paper Edge Serrations Caused by Defective Cutting Knives
,” paper presented at 1963 Interpol conference
, Paris, France
, J. E.
, “A Photographic Technique for Identifying a Paper Cutting Knife by a Single Sheet of Paper
,” paper presented to Georgetown University Forensic Science Laboratory
, Washington, DC
, 10
, W.
, “Studies of Models of Striated Marks Generated by Random Processes
,” Journal of Forensic Sciences
0022-1198, Vol. 26
, No. 1
, 01
, pp. 35
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