Two six-shot suicides are reported that occurred in adjoining counties in Ohio eleven-and-one-half weeks apart. There is no indication of any connection between victims, and it is doubtful that the second individual knew of the first death since there was no news media coverage of the first death. The most significant points of commonality between the two cases are the location of the gunshot wounds (anterior chest and upper abdomen) and the responses of disbelief from those outside the medicolegal professions. Knowledge of such cases with a high number of shots and more than one fatal wound can assist death investigators in confronting similar cases.
Issue Section:
Research Papers
, W. U.
and Fisher
, R. S.
, Medicolegal Investigation of Death
, Charles C Thomas
, Springfield, IL
, 1980
, pp. 261
, V. J. M.
, Gunshot Wounds, Practical Aspects of Firearms, Ballistics and Forensic Techniques
, Elsevier
, New York
, 1985
, pp. 297
, P.
, “Multishot Firearm Suicide
,” The American Journal of Forensic Medicine and Pathology
, Vol. 2
, No. 3
, 09
, pp. 239
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