During preliminary examination of the body of a homicide victim, a peculiar red “fiber” was noticed and recovered. Initially believing this to be a carpet fiber, the item was subjected to fiber analysis. It was found to be a short coiled particle not like any known natural or synthetic fabric fiber. Subsequent examinations determined this “fiber” to be the larva of a common freshwater midge (Diptera; Chironomidae).
Chironomid larvae have been observed on other bodies recovered from freshwater environments. Entomological studies of this organism have led to the conclusion that the presence of chironomid larvae indicates submersion of the body.
Issue Section:
Research Papers
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, J. F.
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, W. P.
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, M. C.
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, 1981
, H. J.
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,” in Manual of Nearctic Diptera
, Vol. 1
, J. F.
et al., Eds., Canadian Government Publishing Centre
, Hull, Ontario
, 1981
, K. W.
and Bode
, R. W.
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,” Bulletin of the New York State Museum
, Bulletin 439
, 1980
, pp. 1
, D. W.
, “The Immature Stages of Chironomus aethiops (Townes) with Keys to the Species of the Known Immature Stages of the Subgenus Dicrotendipes (Chironomidae: Diptera)
,” Transactions of the Illinois State Academy of Science
, Vol. 65
, No. 1
, 1972
, pp. 74
, W. P.
and Ferrington
, L. C.
, Jr., “Chironomidae
,” in An Introduction to the Aquatic Insects of North America
, R. W.
and K. W.
, Eds., Kendall-Hunt Publishing Co.
, Dubuque, IA
, 1984
, pp. 551
, D. R.
and Roussel
, M. E.
, The Insects and Arachnids of Canada Part II: The Genera of Larval Midges of Canada
, Publication 1746, Canadian Government Publishing Centre
, 1983
, pp. 1
, K. W.
, “A Guide to Basic Taxonomic Literature for the Genera of North America Chironomidae (Diptera)—Adults, Pupae and Larvae
,” Bulletin of the New York State Museum
, Bulletin 447, 1982
, p. 143.11.
, T.
, Ed., “Chironomidae of the Holarctic Region. Keys and Diagnoses. Part 1. Larvae
,” Entomologica Scandinavica Supplementum
. Vol. 19
, 1983
, pp. 1
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