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Journal Articles
Publisher: ASTM International
Article Type: Article
J. Forensic Sci.. July 2005, 50(4): JFS2004496–2.
Published Online: July 1, 2005
...L Grimaldi, MD; FD Giorgio, MD; M Masullo, MD; GB Zoccai, MD; G Martinotti, MD; J Rainio, MD We report an unusual suicide, committed with a common pencil. A 72-year-old male inflicted himself a penetrating thoracic wound while being hospitalized for a hip prosthesis operation. Although the patient...
Journal Articles
Publisher: ASTM International
Article Type: Article
J. Forensic Sci.. July 2005, 50(4): JFS2004460–3.
Published Online: July 1, 2005
... was the sole agent was a 32-year-old schizophrenic man with cardiomegaly and renal impairment. The blood PG concentration was 4410 mg/L at least 9.5 h following ingestion. 30 10 2004 28 02 2005 05 03 2005 25 05 2005 forensic science propylene glycol suicide toxins...
Journal Articles
Publisher: ASTM International
Article Type: Article
J. Forensic Sci.. July 2005, 50(4): JFS2004504–2.
Published Online: July 1, 2005
...A Sauvageau, MD; S Racette; R Yesovitch, BSc Fire deaths are usually accidental, but atypical cases of homicide or suicide have been described. In suicide by fire, the only method reported by several authors consists of self-immolation. We present here the unusual case of an adult female who...
Journal Articles
Publisher: ASTM International
Article Type: Research-Article
J. Forensic Sci.. May 2005, 50(3): 1–5.
Published Online: May 1, 2005
...LBE Shields, MD; DM Hunsaker, MD; JC Hunsaker, III, MD Suicide, a manner of death , ranked as the eleventh leading cause of death in the United States and accounted for approximately 30,000 deaths in 2001. A host of biological and psychosocial components interplay in a suicide investigation...
Journal Articles
Publisher: ASTM International
Article Type: Research-Article
J. Forensic Sci.. March 2005, 50(2): JFS2004347–5.
Published Online: March 1, 2005
...TW Young, M.D.; SE Wooden, B.A.; PC Dew, M.D.M.P.H.; GL Hoff, Ph.D.; J Cai, M.D. This case-control study investigates the relationship between suicide and wealth in Kansas City, Missouri. House and personal property appraisal data on all victims of suicide from 1998 and 2002 and victims from...
Journal Articles
Publisher: ASTM International
Article Type: Technical Notes
J. Forensic Sci.. July 2004, 49(4): 1–3.
Published Online: July 1, 2004
... of suicides. Scientists, jewelers, and metal workers were common occupations among the decedents. In addition, 8 of 17 fatalities were West Indian/Caribbean Island and South American decedents, including three decedents from Guyana. Fourteen of the 17 fatalities were male. Pink lividity, a “bitter-almond...
Journal Articles
Publisher: ASTM International
Article Type: Research-Article
J. Forensic Sci.. July 2004, 49(4): 1–3.
Published Online: July 1, 2004
...S Goren, M.D.; M Subasi, M.D.; Y Tirasci, M.D.; S Ozen, M.D. The aim of this study was to investigate the methods used and demographic data of women suicides by examining postmortem investigation and autopsy reports from the Branch of the Council of Forensic Medicine in Diyarbakir Province, Turkey...
Journal Articles
Publisher: ASTM International
Article Type: Research-Article
J. Forensic Sci.. May 2004, 49(3): JFS2003024–3.
Published Online: May 1, 2004
...L Viola, M.D.; F Costantinides, M.D.; C Di Nunno, M.D.; GM Battista, M.D.; N Di Nunno, M.D. The captive bolt pistol is an atypical firearm exclusively produced and used for butchery of breeding animals, but in some rare cases, it has been used as a lethal weapon for committing suicide by butchers...
Journal Articles
Publisher: ASTM International
Article Type: Research-Article
J. Forensic Sci.. September 2003, 48(5): 1–4.
Published Online: September 1, 2003
...TW Adair, B.A.; L DeLong, B.F.A.; MJ Dobersen, M.D.; S Sanamo; R Young, B.A.; B Oliver; T Rotter We present an unusual case in which an adult female committed suicide by fire while enclosed in the trunk of her vehicle. A finding of suicide was reached only because several key investigative facts...
Journal Articles
Publisher: ASTM International
Article Type: Research-Article
J. Forensic Sci.. September 2003, 48(5): 1–2.
Published Online: September 1, 2003
...RA Quinton, M.D.; D Dolinak, M.D. In a three month period of 2000, three suicide hanging deaths involving the use of telephone cords occurred in Texas jails and were autopsied at the Southwestern Institute of Forensic Sciences in Dallas. In each case, the telephone was located within the cell...
Journal Articles
Publisher: ASTM International
Article Type: Research-Article
J. Forensic Sci.. July 2003, 48(4): 1–6.
Published Online: July 1, 2003
...GP Perret, MD; M Flomenbaum, MD; R La Harpe, MD Suicides due to fall from height in Geneva from 1991 to 2000 were reviewed. Scene investigations, autopsy findings, psychiatric histories, and toxicology results were examined. There were 197 of these suicides, an incidence of five cases per 100 000...
Journal Articles
Publisher: ASTM International
Article Type: Research-Article
J. Forensic Sci.. March 2003, 48(2): 1–5.
Published Online: March 1, 2003
... ricocheting nails. The intentional use of a nail gun to commit suicide is unusual. This paper will review successful and unsuccessful suicide attempts by use of a nail gun. We will present an atypical case of suicide committed with a nail gun by a 46-year-old depressed male investigated by the Allegheny...
Journal Articles
Publisher: ASTM International
Article Type: Technical Notes
J. Forensic Sci.. November 2002, 47(6): 1370–1373.
Published Online: November 1, 2002
...EC Ritchie, M.D.; MG Gelles, Psy.D. Psychological autopsies have been gathered by the US military for a long time, both for lessons learned after a known suicide and to investigate an equivocal death. The term “psychological autopsies” is now being restricted to define an investigation by mental...
Journal Articles
Publisher: ASTM International
Article Type: Technical Notes
J. Forensic Sci.. September 2002, 47(5): 1–4.
Published Online: September 1, 2002
...D Lester, Ph.D.; C Tartaro, Ph.D. The suicide rate on death row for the period 1976 through 1999 was found to be high (113 per 100,000 per year), some five times higher than the suicide rate for the male population of the United States. The death row suicide rate was predicted by features...
Journal Articles
Publisher: ASTM International
Article Type: Research-Article
J. Forensic Sci.. March 2002, 47(2): 392–394.
Published Online: March 1, 2002
...RW Byard, M.D.; JD Gilbert, FRCPA Two cases of vehicle-assisted suicides are described in males aged 33 and 24 years, respectively. In both cases the victims had tied ropes between stationary objects and their necks and then attempted to drive their vehicles away. The speed with which the vehicles...
Journal Articles
Publisher: ASTM International
Article Type: Research-Article
J. Forensic Sci.. January 2002, 47(1): 131–136.
Published Online: January 1, 2002
...DP Wirthwein, M.D.; JJ Barnard, M.D.; JA Prahlow, M.D. Drowning as a method of suicide is known to occur, but has primarily been described in environments with readily available access to water, such as coastal regions. In this study, we describe and analyze a series of suicidal drownings occurring...
Journal Articles
Publisher: ASTM International
Article Type: Research-Article
J. Forensic Sci.. July 2001, 46(4): 962–965.
Published Online: July 1, 2001
...EA De Letter, M.D.; MHA Piette, M.D., Ph.D. We describe an extraordinary case of a 49-year-old man who committed suicide by using a pneumatic hammer. As an industrial accident was initially assumed, difficulties in determining the manner of death are discussed. In addition, the ability to perform...
Journal Articles
Publisher: ASTM International
Article Type: Research-Article
J. Forensic Sci.. May 2001, 46(3): 586–592.
Published Online: May 1, 2001
...AR Felthous, M.D.; AG Hempel, D.O., M.A.; A Heredia, M.D.; E Freeman, M.D.; K Goodness, Ph.D.; C Holzer, Ph.D.; TJ Bennett, M.D.; WE Korndorffer, M.D. Combined homicide-suicides have been classified based on the psychopathology of the perpetrator and the nature of the relationship between...
Journal Articles
Publisher: ASTM International
Article Type: Research-Article
J. Forensic Sci.. March 2001, 46(2): 386–388.
Published Online: March 1, 2001
...AR McMaster, M.D.; EW Ward, M.D.; A Dykeman, B.A.; MD Warman An unusual case of suicidal ligature strangulation is described. The victim is a 42-year-old white male who devised a very elaborate ligature mechanism comprised of thin wire, a plastic tub filled with water, and a combination of other...
Journal Articles
Publisher: ASTM International
Article Type: Research-Article
J. Forensic Sci.. March 2001, 46(2): 402–405.
Published Online: March 1, 2001
...JM Blanco-Pampín, M.D. The use of commercial explosives is an unusual method of commiting suicide, and only a few cases have been described in the medicolegal literature. In this paper, two cases of suicide are considered that reflect backgrounds of financial problems and psychological illnesses...