When low calorific value gases are fired, the performance and stability of gas turbines may deteriorate due to a large amount of inertballast and changes in working fluid properties. Since it is rather rare to have custom-built gas turbines for low lower heating value (LHV) operation, the engine will be forced to operate outside its design envelope. This, in turn, poses limitations to usable fuel choices. Typical restraints are decrease in Wobbe index and surge and flutter margins for turbomachinery. In this study, an advanced performance deck has been used to quantify the impact of firing low-LHV gases in a generic-type recuperated as well as unrecuperated gas turbine. A single-shaft gas turbine characterized by a compressor and an expander map is considered. Emphasis has been put on predicting the off-design behavior. The combustor is discussed and related to previous experiments that include investigation of flammability limits, Wobbe index, flame position, etc. The computations show that at constant turbine inlet temperature, the shaft power and the pressure ratio will increase; however, the surge margin will decrease. Possible design changes in the component level are also discussed. Aerodynamic issues (and necessary modifications) that can pose severe limitations on the gas turbine compressor and turbine sections are discussed. Typical methods for axial turbine capacity adjustment are presented and discussed.
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Research Papers
Off-Design Performance Investigation of a Low Calorific Value Gas Fired Generic-Type Single-Shaft Gas Turbine
Magnus Genrup,
Magnus Genrup
Siemens Industrial Turbomachinery AB
, Finspong, Sweden
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Pontus Eriksson,
Pontus Eriksson
Department of Energy Sciences,
Lund University
, Lund 22100, Sweden
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Jens Klingmann
Jens Klingmann
Department of Energy Sciences,
Lund University
, Lund 22100, Sweden
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Raik C. Orbay
Magnus Genrup
Siemens Industrial Turbomachinery AB
, Finspong, Sweden
Pontus Eriksson
Department of Energy Sciences,
Lund University
, Lund 22100, Sweden
Jens Klingmann
Department of Energy Sciences,
Lund University
, Lund 22100, SwedenJ. Eng. Gas Turbines Power. May 2008, 130(3): 031504 (7 pages)
Published Online: April 2, 2008
Article history
May 10, 2007
September 24, 2007
April 2, 2008
Orbay, R. C., Genrup, M., Eriksson, P., and Klingmann, J. (April 2, 2008). "Off-Design Performance Investigation of a Low Calorific Value Gas Fired Generic-Type Single-Shaft Gas Turbine." ASME. J. Eng. Gas Turbines Power. May 2008; 130(3): 031504. https://doi.org/10.1115/1.2836482
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