Organic rankine cycles (ORC) are renowned to be attractive energy conversion systems for the thermal energy sources in the small-to-medium power range. A critical component in the ORC technology is the turbo-expander; the difficulties involved in the accurate thermodynamic modeling of organic fluids and, especially, the complex gasdynamic phenomena that are commonly found in ORC turbines may result in relatively low efficiency and in performance reduction at partial loads. In this perspective, a relevant path of development can be outlined in the evaluation of nonconventional turbine architectures, such as the radial-outward or centrifugal turbine. In the present work, a critical evaluation of the feasibility of multistage transonic centrifugal turbines for ORC systems is presented. To support this study, a two-step design procedure, specifically oriented to ORC turbines, was developed. The methodology includes a 1D mean-line code coupled to an external optimizer to perform a preliminary design of the machine. The selected configurations are then verified with a CFD (computational fluid dynamics)-based throughflow solver, able to deal with any flow regime and to treat fluids described by arbitrary equations of state. The overall procedure is applied to the design of two different turbines of the same target power of about 1 MW, the former representing a transonic six-stage turbine and the latter a supersonic three-stage turbine. The two machines are characterized by very different shape and comparable performances. The results are extensively discussed in terms of both overall data and detailed flow fields.
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April 2013
Preliminary Design of a Centrifugal Turbine for Organic Rankine Cycle Applications
Matteo Pini,
Giacomo Persico,
Giacomo Persico
Assistant Professor
Laboratorio di Fluidodinamica delle Macchine
,Dipartimento di Energia
,Politecnico di Milano
,via Lambruschini 4
,20156 Milano
, Italy
Search for other works by this author on:
Emiliano Casati,
Emiliano Casati
Process and Energy Department
,2628 Delft
, The Netherlands
;Laboratorio di Fluidodinamica delle Macchine
,Dipartimento di Energia
,Politecnico di Milano
,via Lambruschini 4
,20156 Milano
, Italy
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Vincenzo Dossena
Vincenzo Dossena
Associate Professor
Laboratorio di Fluidodinamica delle Macchine
,Dipartimento di Energia
,Politecnico di Milano
,via Lambruschini 4
,20156 Milano
, Italy
Search for other works by this author on:
Matteo Pini
Giacomo Persico
Assistant Professor
Laboratorio di Fluidodinamica delle Macchine
,Dipartimento di Energia
,Politecnico di Milano
,via Lambruschini 4
,20156 Milano
, Italy
Emiliano Casati
Process and Energy Department
,2628 Delft
, The Netherlands
;Laboratorio di Fluidodinamica delle Macchine
,Dipartimento di Energia
,Politecnico di Milano
,via Lambruschini 4
,20156 Milano
, Italy
Vincenzo Dossena
Associate Professor
Laboratorio di Fluidodinamica delle Macchine
,Dipartimento di Energia
,Politecnico di Milano
,via Lambruschini 4
,20156 Milano
, Italy
Contributed by the International Gas Turbine Institute (IGTI) of ASME for publication in the Journal of Engineering for Gas Turbines and Power. Manuscript received February 29, 2012; final manuscript received September 18, 2012; published online March 18, 2013. Assoc. Editor: Joost J. Brasz.
J. Eng. Gas Turbines Power. Apr 2013, 135(4): 042312 (9 pages)
Published Online: March 18, 2013
Article history
February 29, 2012
Revision Received:
September 18, 2012
Pini, M., Persico, G., Casati, E., and Dossena, V. (March 18, 2013). "Preliminary Design of a Centrifugal Turbine for Organic Rankine Cycle Applications." ASME. J. Eng. Gas Turbines Power. April 2013; 135(4): 042312.
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