The evolution of the wake of a wind turbine contributes significantly to its operation and performance, as well as to those of machines installed in the vicinity. The inherent unsteady and three-dimensional (3D) aerodynamics of vertical axis wind turbines (VAWT) have hitherto limited the research on wake evolution. In this paper, the wakes of both a troposkien and a H-type VAWT rotor are investigated by comparing experiments and calculations. Experiments were carried out in the large-scale wind tunnel of the Politecnico di Milano, where unsteady velocity measurements in the wake were performed by means of hot wire anemometry. The geometry of the rotors was reconstructed in the open-source wind-turbine software QBlade, developed at the TU Berlin. The aerodynamic model makes use of a lifting line free-vortex wake (LLFVW) formulation, including an adapted Beddoes-Leishman unsteady aerodynamic model; airfoil polars are introduced to assign sectional lift and drag coefficients. A wake sensitivity analysis was carried out to maximize the reliability of wake predictions. The calculations are shown to reproduce several wake features observed in the experiments, including blade-tip vortex, dominant and minor vortical structures, and periodic unsteadiness caused by sectional dynamic stall. The experimental assessment of the simulations illustrates that the LLFVW model is capable of predicting the unsteady wake development with very limited computational cost, thus making the model ideal for the design and optimization of VAWTs.
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December 2018
Comparison of Experimental and Numerically Predicted Three-Dimensional Wake Behavior of Vertical Axis Wind Turbines
Joseph Saverin,
Joseph Saverin
Chair of Fluid Dynamics,
Technische Universitt Berlin,
Berlin D-10623, Germany
Technische Universitt Berlin,
Berlin D-10623, Germany
Search for other works by this author on:
Giacomo Persico,
Giacomo Persico
Laboratorio di Fluidodinamica delle Macchine,
Dipartimento di Energia,
Politecnico di Milano,
Milan I-20156, Italy
Dipartimento di Energia,
Politecnico di Milano,
Milan I-20156, Italy
Search for other works by this author on:
David Marten,
David Marten
Chair of Fluid Dynamics,
Technische Universitt Berlin,
Berlin D-10623, Germany
Technische Universitt Berlin,
Berlin D-10623, Germany
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David Holst,
David Holst
Chair of Fluid Dynamics,
Technische Universitt Berlin,
Berlin D-10623, Germany
Technische Universitt Berlin,
Berlin D-10623, Germany
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George Pechlivanoglou,
George Pechlivanoglou
Chair of Fluid Dynamics,
Technische Universitt Berlin,
Berlin D-10623, Germany
Technische Universitt Berlin,
Berlin D-10623, Germany
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Christian Oliver Paschereit,
Christian Oliver Paschereit
Chair of Fluid Dynamics,
Technische Universitt Berlin,
Berlin D-10623, Germany
Technische Universitt Berlin,
Berlin D-10623, Germany
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Vincenzo Dossena
Vincenzo Dossena
Laboratorio di Fluidodinamica delle Macchine,
Dipartimento di Energia,
Politecnico di Milano,
Milan I-20156, Italy
Dipartimento di Energia,
Politecnico di Milano,
Milan I-20156, Italy
Search for other works by this author on:
Joseph Saverin
Chair of Fluid Dynamics,
Technische Universitt Berlin,
Berlin D-10623, Germany
Technische Universitt Berlin,
Berlin D-10623, Germany
Giacomo Persico
Laboratorio di Fluidodinamica delle Macchine,
Dipartimento di Energia,
Politecnico di Milano,
Milan I-20156, Italy
Dipartimento di Energia,
Politecnico di Milano,
Milan I-20156, Italy
David Marten
Chair of Fluid Dynamics,
Technische Universitt Berlin,
Berlin D-10623, Germany
Technische Universitt Berlin,
Berlin D-10623, Germany
David Holst
Chair of Fluid Dynamics,
Technische Universitt Berlin,
Berlin D-10623, Germany
Technische Universitt Berlin,
Berlin D-10623, Germany
George Pechlivanoglou
Chair of Fluid Dynamics,
Technische Universitt Berlin,
Berlin D-10623, Germany
Technische Universitt Berlin,
Berlin D-10623, Germany
Christian Oliver Paschereit
Chair of Fluid Dynamics,
Technische Universitt Berlin,
Berlin D-10623, Germany
Technische Universitt Berlin,
Berlin D-10623, Germany
Vincenzo Dossena
Laboratorio di Fluidodinamica delle Macchine,
Dipartimento di Energia,
Politecnico di Milano,
Milan I-20156, Italy
Dipartimento di Energia,
Politecnico di Milano,
Milan I-20156, Italy
Corresponding author.
Contributed by the Turbomachinery Committee of ASME for publication in the JOURNAL OF ENGINEERING FOR GAS TURBINES AND POWER. Manuscript received November 8, 2017; final manuscript received November 27, 2017; published online August 6, 2018. Editor: David Wisler.
J. Eng. Gas Turbines Power. Dec 2018, 140(12): 122601 (9 pages)
Published Online: August 6, 2018
Article history
November 8, 2017
November 27, 2017
Saverin, J., Persico, G., Marten, D., Holst, D., Pechlivanoglou, G., Paschereit, C. O., and Dossena, V. (August 6, 2018). "Comparison of Experimental and Numerically Predicted Three-Dimensional Wake Behavior of Vertical Axis Wind Turbines." ASME. J. Eng. Gas Turbines Power. December 2018; 140(12): 122601.
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