
This paper presents a method to determine an optimal configuration of a teleoperated excavator to minimize the induced undercarriage oscillation for robust end-point stabilization. Treating the excavator as a kinematically redundant system, where non-unique combinations of the undercarriage position and arm posture can locate the end-point at the same reference. A specific configuration can be chosen to not excite undercarriage oscillation with simple end-point error feedback control without model-based or measurement-based vibration suppression. Robust stability measures based on normalized coprime factorization as well as modal decomposition solve the redundancy of the kinematics. An advantage of this approach is that the control engineer can proceed as if the excavator arm is fixed to rigid ground, which is practically not the case, and apply simple traditional Jacobian-based end-point control.

1 Introduction

There are myriad potential health risks due to elevated radiation at a nuclear disaster site. The use of remotely operated robots for tasks such as measurement and reorganization of damaged objects at the site, instead of human responders, is a preferred option. Nuclear plant inspection robots were extensively studied back in the 1980s [1]. Since then, a number of rescue and first-responder robots have been developed in various forms.

On the other hand, in the short-term, technology is required to prepare for a possible case where an accident has occurred and functional robotic systems must be deployed as soon as possible. To address the hardware reliability issues, the current project will develop interfaces that turn existing construction equipment into a mobile robotic manipulator as shown in Fig. 1. One of the authors’ groups has developed wirelessly operated mechanical interfaces that operate the controls of the conventional excavator.

Fig. 1
Ghost(R) remote excavator control system: remote operator interface is used to transmit commands to the Ghost(R) system attached to each lever on the remote excavation system. Photos courtesy of ROHAU.
Fig. 1
Ghost(R) remote excavator control system: remote operator interface is used to transmit commands to the Ghost(R) system attached to each lever on the remote excavation system. Photos courtesy of ROHAU.
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A typical excavator consists of an arm with a gripper or bucket attached to its end, cabin, and undercarriage. The undercarriage of the tracked construction equipment is the base frame that supports all the components of the vehicle. Despite high maneuverability on a rough terrain, the undercarriage introduces flexibility between the ground and upper part of the equipment. This issue is observed as the residual oscillation of the arm end-point. Motion of the upper mechanism, change in the arm posture or cabin rotation, dynamically induces the undercarriage flexibility, resulting in errors in end-point positioning.

When it comes to end-point stabilization of the excavator’s arm in the absolute coordinate system, the undercarriage oscillation and resultant end-point error must be effectively suppressed. The undercarriage oscillation is passive and induced by the rest of the excavator’s motion. There is no actuation system in the general undercarriage to implement vibration suppression control even though its oscillation is measurable, so it is not possible to suppress the vibrations using an active method [2]. However, if simple end-point feedback stabilization control is applied without explicitly modeling the undercarriage flexibility, the bandwidth of the feedback system is significantly limited due to the un-modeled disturbance oscillation [3,4]. This goes on to exclude passive suppression methods that require characterization of the disturbance oscillation like tuned-mass-damper systems [5] and the use of pre-compensators like adaptive input shaping [6]. Current approaches also rely on the characterization of base oscillation parameters or range of oscillation frequency [7,8], fuzzy controllers to compensate for unknown dynamics [9], or sliding mode control [10].

The objective of the paper is to improve the performance of end-point positioning of the excavator boom (or arm) in the absolute coordinate system for manipulation tasks. End-point feedback control will be done without measuring or modeling of induced base oscillations for practical advantages. To improve the robustness of such simple controller implementation, configuration-based stability analysis of a manipulator with an oscillatory base is performed. Once stability margins of the manipulator workspace have been characterized, it is possible to determine the position of the undercarriage and the posture of the arm such that the task-space feedback control has greater robustness to induced oscillation.

2 Dynamics of Manipulator With Flexible Base

Examining a two-degree-of-freedom (2DOF) planar manipulator on a base that is flexible in three directions, shown in Fig. 2, where θ1 is the base rotation, θ2 and θ3 are manipulator joint angles. In the following analysis, the position of the end-point of the arm is considered, and its orientation is not considered. Generally, excavators have an additional degree-of-freedom between the arm and bucket which can be used to compensate for the orientation.

Fig. 2
Planar manipulator with flexible base
Fig. 2
Planar manipulator with flexible base
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Given the excavator geometries shown in Fig. 2, the end-point Oe = [xe, ye]T is represented by a function of a total of five displacements: Oe=r(xmobile,ymobile,θ1,θ2,θ3). Note that θ1 is passively produced by undercarriage oscillation and is therefore not a control input. In addition, the Jacobian matrix that maps joint angular velocities to end-point velocities is given as
The trigonometric functions are defined to simplify the description such as Sa=sin(θa) and Cab=cos(θa+θb).

The dynamics of the planar manipulator can be described by τ=M(q)q¨+H(q,q˙)+N(q,q0,q˙)+G(q). τ is is the joint torque vector for the system, consisting of [τpT,τaT]T, which are the passive joint torques and the actuator effort torques for the driven joints; the matrix M(q) is the inertia matrix for the system; and H(q,q˙) is the collection of Coriolis factors and centrifugal terms for the manipulator. N(q,q0,q˙) is the general viscoelastic term and G(q) is the gravity term. The state vector, q=[qpTqaT]T, contains state information for all of the joints in the system, containing qp=[xmobile,ymobile,θ1]T and qa=[θ2θ3]T. Note that the horizontal position of the undercarriage center xmobile is a variable, but assumed to be fixed when the system is in motion; therefore, it is not included in the dynamic equation.

3 End-Point Feedback Control With Rigid Body Jacobian

3.1 Practical Limitations and Assumptions.

The practical control system studied in this paper is developed based on the following assumptions: (1) nominal kinematic parameters of the arm are known; (2) nominal dynamic parameters of the arm and undercarriage are known; (3) desired end-point Oed is given from the operator; (4) end-point Oed is measurable; (5) arm joint angles qa are measurable; and (6) undercarriage deformations qp are not measurable. Inertial measurement units and differential global positioning systems are attached to the excavator body to add sensing capabilities.

Without external odometry, using only forward kinematics is unable to correctly position the end point. However, due to practical difficulties in integrating oscillation measurements and modeling into a dynamic deformation model of the undercarriage, the excavator arm will be treated as a general multi-link manipulator fixed to the ground. Compensation through task-space control is used to reduce end-point positioning error.

3.2 Rigid Body Jacobian.

Given that any mechanical manipulators have inherent flexibilities in links, joints, and base, a theoretically correct approach would be to implement a controller that compensates for flexibility-oriented deformations by modeling or measuring of them. This approach, naturally, requires additional sensing components and associated modeling, integration and tuning efforts. In contrast, in many practical implementations, manipulators are considered completely rigid and resonant frequencies are significantly higher than the control bandwidth therefore not excited. This approach allows for modeling and control theories developed for rigid manipulators, which is a clear implementation advantage. One of the simplest class of manipulator end-point feedback controllers can be obtained from its Jacobian matrix, derived only from kinematic information, in the form of its inverse or transpose, where dynamic close-loop stability is guaranteed for rigid systems.

The remote excavator system is one of many exceptions where mechanical flexibilities may impact the stability and performance of end-point feedback control. Oscillations due to its flexible undercarriage may be within the control bandwidth and thus introduce oscillatory or unstable responses. As a practical approach, one may still want to use the rigid-body assumption and examine stability and performance limits when applied to a flexible-base manipulator without increasing the complexity of feedback control. Figure 3 illustrates this concept where the base deformation is strategically neglected. The rigid body Jacobian, Jv, can be found by only considering the motion of the two links in the manipulator chain Jv=[l2S12l3S123l3S123l2C12+l3C123l3C123].

Fig. 3
Manipulator model used in developing the rigid body Jacobian Jv
Fig. 3
Manipulator model used in developing the rigid body Jacobian Jv
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3.2.1 Jacobian Transpose Control.

The actuated joint torques may be driven by Jacobian-transpose task-space control, τa=Jv(qa)Tf(Oed,Oe), with structure shown in Fig. 4(b). Jv(qa) is the rigid-body manipulator Jacobian; Oe is the end-point position; Oed is the desired end-point position of the manipulator; and f(Oed, Oe) is a task-space feedback controller. This control is applicable when the torque of the manipulator, τa, can be directly specified. In other words, hydraulic systems that are used in many excavators need to be modified to allow direct torque control. The stability analysis presented in this paper does not depend on the choice of a feedback control scheme. By applying robust control theory, we consider all stabilizing controllers in the task-space. One could apply simple proportional-derivative control where f(Oed,Oe)=Kp(OedOe)+Kv(O˙edO˙e) as a popular choice. Kp and Kv are proportional and derivative diagonal gain matrices, respectively. Gravity compensation may be added to compensate for the offset due to gravity.

Fig. 4
Block diagrams illustrating the control structures for Jacobian control
Fig. 4
Block diagrams illustrating the control structures for Jacobian control
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3.2.2 Jacobian Inverse Control.

Another method to control the manipulator is to specify joint velocities: q˙ad=Jv(qa)1f(Oed,Oe), with control structure detailed in Fig. 4(a). Note that the majority of construction equipment map the tilt angle of the control lever to the velocity of one of the hydraulic cylinders [11]. As a result, an excavator equipped with the GHOST system can naturally introduce this Jacobian inverse control. Obtained q˙ad is directly converted into control lever displacements realized by the GHOST system, τa=[1001]q˙ad.

3.3 Linearized Model of Excavator Dynamics.

Local asymptotic stability of the nonlinear system can be evaluated by a linearized model about a particular desired end-point position. Recall that the undercarriage oscillation is passive therefore τp=0 and a linearized model can be written as [0τaT]T=Mq¨+Dq˙+K(qqd) is obtained, where qd is the desired joint states for the manipulator; D is the viscosity matrix of the system; and K is the stiffness matrix for the system. First, consider the case where Jacobian transpose control is applied. Defining x=[q˙T,(qqd)T]T and y = r(q) − r(qd), a two-input two-output state-space representation in the work coordinate system is obtained as: x˙=Ax+Bf and y = Cx, with A=[M1DM1KIO], BT=[M1[O3×2I2×2],O(3+2)×2]JvT,C=[OJ], where J=r/qT2×(3+2) and Jv=rv/qaT2×2 are Jacobian matrices. The plant for this system can be realized from the state-space form as
Note that PT is the linearized plant dynamics seen from the task-space controller. When the Jacobian Inverse control is applied, BI is defined as BI=[M1[O3×2I2×2]O(3+2)×2]Jv1, and hence, PI(s, qd) = C(sIA)−1BI is the linearized plant dynamics seen from the task-space controller.

3.4 Modal Analysis.

By using modal analysis, P(s) can be represented as a linear sum of n rigid modes and m vibration modes. Matrix A has in total 2(n + m) poles where 2n of these poles are zero, corresponding to the rigid modes, and 2m conjugate complex poles correspond to the vibration modes.

Let λ0=0,λi,λ¯i (i = 1, …, m) be 2m + 1 distinct eigenvalues of A. λ0, λi, and λ¯i correspond to the rigid modes and the ith vibration modes, respectively. Matrix U and V are defined from the modal decomposition/Jordan normal form of A where U[u1u2nu2n+1u2(m+n)], and V*col[v1*,v2*,,v2(m+n)*]=U1. Note that v* denotes the complex conjugate transpose of v. By applying U, V to A, the modal decomposed representation, with n = 2 rigid body modes and m = 3 vibrational modes, [12] of P(s) for Jacobian transpose control is given below:

In Eqs. (3)(6), R0 corresponds to the rigid body modes where R0 is a positive definite matrix. M^=[Mkl]n×n(m+1k,lm+n) is a partial matrix of M. Ri is called a residue matrix. Note that Ri is positive-semi-definite and rank (Ri) = 1 at most from (6). In addition, ω^i=|λi|,ζi=Re(λi)/|λi| is obtained where ζi and ω^i represent the damping coefficient and the natural frequency, respectively.

3.5 Robustness Measures.

Link parameters of the excavator are found in Table 1 and are derived from the geometry of a 3D model assuming the material is steel. The viscoelastic parameters are chosen given the data collected by one of the co-authors’ group.

Table 1

Dynamic parameters

mb5291.5kgIb1020.7kg m2
m1766.6kgI1214.9kg m2
m2458.2kgI293.6kg m2
kx4 × 107Nm−1bx50Ns m−1
ky4 × 107Nm−1by50Ns m−1
kθ1.112 × 106Nm−1bθ25Ns m−1
θ1d1.2451 rad
mb5291.5kgIb1020.7kg m2
m1766.6kgI1214.9kg m2
m2458.2kgI293.6kg m2
kx4 × 107Nm−1bx50Ns m−1
ky4 × 107Nm−1by50Ns m−1
kθ1.112 × 106Nm−1bθ25Ns m−1
θ1d1.2451 rad

Robustness analysis is performed to determine the configurations of a manipulator that are robust to undercarriage oscillation and, therefore, are stable. Calculating the H coprime factorization of the plant across the workspace of the manipulator it becomes possible to characterize the robustness of the plant εmax. This analysis, while it does characterize closed-loop stability, does not require the specification of a controller and is gain independent (Appendix  A).

A similar stability margin based on the positive-realness of the plant P(s, q), wi, can be defined for the ith vibrational mode of the linearized plant [13]:
These measures indicate the distance from the current robot configuration to a robust arm configuration [13]. A robust arm configuration is a joint configuration q that satisfies wi = 0. This means that for the given vibrational mode, Ri+RiT=0, and all diagonal elements of Ri are non-negative. The linearized system in this configuration is positive real and therefore passive [13]. The regions where each of these vibrational modes is in-phase is shown in Fig. 5. MIMO systems such as the one considered in this paper have no guarantee for a total in-phase design [14]. However, being that the third mode is at a much higher natural frequency, it can be seen in Fig. 5(d) that for the manipulator described by the parameters in Table 1 that the manipulator workspace has many configurations that are in-phase for the first two vibrational modes of the system.
Fig. 5
In-phase regions (shown in yellow) and out-of-phase regions (shown in blue) for a manipulator workspace under Jacobian inverse control: (a) first-vibrational mode, (b) second-vibrational mode, (c) third-vibrational mode, and (d) the total in-phase region for the first and second modes; the union of (a) and (b). Manipulator configurations shown in red are postures found in Table 2. Coordinates shown are in the rigid-manipulator workspace.
Fig. 5
In-phase regions (shown in yellow) and out-of-phase regions (shown in blue) for a manipulator workspace under Jacobian inverse control: (a) first-vibrational mode, (b) second-vibrational mode, (c) third-vibrational mode, and (d) the total in-phase region for the first and second modes; the union of (a) and (b). Manipulator configurations shown in red are postures found in Table 2. Coordinates shown are in the rigid-manipulator workspace.
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As shown in Fig. 6, εmax is calculated across the workspace where higher values are indicative of more robust configurations. While the robustness is dependent on both the plant model and the servo gain used in the analysis, there is a clear difference in performance between locations with high and low stability margin. Similarly, in Fig. 7, a surface can be generated for each vibrational mode in the system. It can be seen that features in the modal-based robustness surfaces appear in the coprime factorization surfaces. The relationship between the comprime factor-based robustness metric and the modal stability indices can be seen in the GAP metric between the rigid body excavator system and the total flexible system. Utilizing this relationship becomes possible to only use the modal analysis wi metric to perform posture optimization [3].

Fig. 6
εmax calculated across the manipulator workspace. (a) is the curve associated with Jacobian transpose control and (b) is associated with Jacobian inverse control. Manipulator configurations shown in red are postures found in Table 2.
Fig. 6
εmax calculated across the manipulator workspace. (a) is the curve associated with Jacobian transpose control and (b) is associated with Jacobian inverse control. Manipulator configurations shown in red are postures found in Table 2.
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Fig. 7
wi Robustness metric for the vibrational modes of the manipulator system. (a)–(c) are the curves associated with Jacobian transpose control and (d)–(f) are associated with Jacobian inverse control. With mean natural frequencies of 3.0872 Hz, 13.1392 Hz, and 22.4394 Hz, respectively.
Fig. 7
wi Robustness metric for the vibrational modes of the manipulator system. (a)–(c) are the curves associated with Jacobian transpose control and (d)–(f) are associated with Jacobian inverse control. With mean natural frequencies of 3.0872 Hz, 13.1392 Hz, and 22.4394 Hz, respectively.
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3.6 How Undercarriage Flexibility Impacts the Stability of Task-Space End-Point Control.

The manipulator control system with a flexible base is “colocated” as flexible components are not between the sensing point (end-point) and active joints, but outside of the rigid system. While the colocation of the sensor and actuator forms an “in-phase” or minimum-phase system for a linear 1-DOF dynamic system, its extension to multi-DOF systems is not straightforward. Indeed, colocated flexible control systems may still have a stability problem due to dynamic coupling between axes [3] (i.e., between the x and y axes in the planar dynamic system considered in this paper).

This dynamic coupling creates a feed-through loop in which flexible motion along one axis excites flexible motion along another axis. The excited motion introduces end-point errors to be compensated by the end-point feedback controller, which will further excite base oscillation. This cycle can lead to stability problems in the manipulator system. The degree of coupling between the axes is represented by a residue matrix of each mode, Ri, i = 1, 2, …, as a function of the arm posture. By choosing special postures where Ri indicates no dynamic coupling between axes, it would be possible to design a control system that stabilizes the end-point and is robust to the flexibility of the undercarriage.

4 Excavator Configuration Optimization

Due to the manipulator being on a mobile base, there is a planar redundancy between the x-axis position in absolute space and the x-axis position of the manipulator end-point in the manipulator’s workspace. It is then possible to reconfigure the position of the manipulator’s mobile base in order to put the manipulator’s goal position in a position with a higher stability margin. The variation of stability margin with end-point position for a given yed is shown in Fig. 8. Mathematically, can be represented as q~d=argmaxqd{Θ:ye=yd}V(qd), where Θ is a set of arm configurations that realizes Oed [13]. Here, V(qd) is defined as V(qd)=i=1mαiwi(qd).

Fig. 8
Optimization curves for (a) Jacobian transpose control and (b) Jacobian inverse control along the desired yd. Due to the presence of the second- and third-vibrational modes, εmax is always less than its maximum of 0.3827.
Fig. 8
Optimization curves for (a) Jacobian transpose control and (b) Jacobian inverse control along the desired yd. Due to the presence of the second- and third-vibrational modes, εmax is always less than its maximum of 0.3827.
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To maximize computational ease, the use of w1 will be used to optimize the base position under Jacobian nullspace control for redundant manipulators. While both robustness metrics used in this work are valid for optimization, due to the nature of εmax, the computation of its gradient is nontrivial. Furthermore, while εmax measures the robustness of the given plant to modeling errors and disturbances, the wi metric serves to provide a relationship for a plant robustness to excite its vibrational modes. From Fig. 8, it can be seen that the curves for εmax and w1 follow the same general shape, so there is not a clear performance increase between using one or the other. The update law for the redundant base parameters [xmobile,d,θ2d,θ3d] is Δqd=S(IJB+JB)kξξ,S=[1O3x2O4x1I2x2]. kξ is a positive gain matrix used to selectively damp the augmentation of the nullspace for each coordinate, and ξ is the gradient of the objective function, Eq. (4). The Jacobian used to map the redundant parameters to the manipulator end-point, JB, is defined as JB2x3=[10Jv].

While the use of a weighted sum of vibrational modes will violate the concavity of the objective function, binary weights can be used to select which of the vibrational modes is being optimized against. In the case of the proposed system in this study, the first vibrational mode is at a very low frequency, so we will use the following α parameters: α1 = 1, α2 = 0, α3 = 0 for m = 3 and n = 2. For the given objective function its gradient ξ is given by
Executing the gradient of the objective function for a particular parameter qlSqd, yields:
where [Ri+RiT]ab is the element in the ath row and bth column of the matrix given by Ri+RiT, and νn is the eigenvector associated with λmin(Ri+RiT). Derivation of this metric is shown in Appendix  B.

5 Validation

5.1 Results.

Simulations of the nonlinear manipulator system were conducted in matlab (Mathworks) using an RK4 numerical integrator. The integration step of the matlab simulation was selected to be 0.005 s (i.e., 200 Hz), which is significantly higher than the resonant frequencies of the flexible system and its closed-loop control bandwidth. Changing the end-point position in the workspace, one can improve the stability of the end-point control of the manipulator system as illustrated in Fig. 8. Applying both εmax and wi stability margins to two discrete points in the manipulator workspace, shown in Table 2, we can see an improvement in convergence and when going from a position of low robustness to high robustness. The results of optimizing the mobile base position with Jacobian inverse control are shown in Fig. 9 using two discrete positions, shown in Table 2 based on their w1, shown in Fig. 7(d). It can be seen that there is better performance for the optimized position that has a higher robustness.

Fig. 9
Base oscillations for the chosen optimization positions using Jacobian inverse controller: (a) is x-axis oscillation, (b) is y-axis oscillation, and (c) is the angular oscillation of the manipulator base
Fig. 9
Base oscillations for the chosen optimization positions using Jacobian inverse controller: (a) is x-axis oscillation, (b) is y-axis oscillation, and (c) is the angular oscillation of the manipulator base
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Table 2

Controller stability margins optimization positions

xdesired0.00 m (inertial)0.00 m (inertial)
−0.1733 m (workspace)a1.32687 m (workspace)a
ydesired1.60 m (inertial)1.60 m (inertial)
1.0870 m (workspace)a1.0870 m (workspace)a
xmobile0.00 m−1.50 m
w1−0.2969 × 10−3−0.0209 × 10−4
w2−0.0308 × 10−3−0.0683 × 10−4
w3−0.001 × 10−3−0.3105 × 10−4
xdesired0.00 m (inertial)0.00 m (inertial)
−0.1733 m (workspace)a1.32687 m (workspace)a
ydesired1.60 m (inertial)1.60 m (inertial)
1.0870 m (workspace)a1.0870 m (workspace)a
xmobile0.00 m−1.50 m
w1−0.2969 × 10−3−0.0209 × 10−4
w2−0.0308 × 10−3−0.0683 × 10−4
w3−0.001 × 10−3−0.3105 × 10−4

See Fig. 5 for workspace end-point positions and postures.

The same phenomena can be seen when moving the manipulator mobile base to change the position of the end-point in the workspace without changing its position in the inertial coordinate space. This can be seen in Figs. 11 and 12. Moving the manipulator base according to the trajectory generated through nullspace augmentation, shown in Fig. 10, does excite some base oscillation and end-point error. However, by moving the system from a configuration of low robustness to one of high robustness, manipulator stability can be achieved.

Fig. 10
Base position trajectory for manipulator using nullspace augmentation
Fig. 10
Base position trajectory for manipulator using nullspace augmentation
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Fig. 11
End-point position error with and without base position adjustment using Jacobian inverse controller: (a) x-axis error, (b) y-axis error. With base position adjustment changing from posture A to posture B using the base trajectory shown in Fig. 10 during end-point positioning (shown in blue). Without base position adjustment (shown in red) end-point positioning around Posture A.
Fig. 11
End-point position error with and without base position adjustment using Jacobian inverse controller: (a) x-axis error, (b) y-axis error. With base position adjustment changing from posture A to posture B using the base trajectory shown in Fig. 10 during end-point positioning (shown in blue). Without base position adjustment (shown in red) end-point positioning around Posture A.
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Fig. 12
Base oscillation error with and without base position adjustment using Jacobian inverse controller: (a) xmobile oscillation, (b) ymobile oscillation, and (c)θ1 oscillation. With base position adjustment changing from posture A to posture B using the base trajectory shown in Fig. 10 during end-point positioning (shown in blue). Without base position adjustment (shown in red) end-point positioning around Posture A.
Fig. 12
Base oscillation error with and without base position adjustment using Jacobian inverse controller: (a) xmobile oscillation, (b) ymobile oscillation, and (c)θ1 oscillation. With base position adjustment changing from posture A to posture B using the base trajectory shown in Fig. 10 during end-point positioning (shown in blue). Without base position adjustment (shown in red) end-point positioning around Posture A.
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5.2 Discussion.

The use of coprime factorization to generate a stability margin for the manipulator across its workspace provides a means to characterize manipulator configurations that will provide robustness to the flexibilities inherent in its base. While this material can be useful in offline applications, because the stability margin is calculated across the workspace, it can be used in conjunction with optimal control systems in order to minimize the amount of time the manipulator has to occupy configurations with a low stability margin. The occupation of a configuration with a high stability margin allows for the use of a controller with a higher feedback gain.

6 Conclusion

This paper presented a method for configuration optimization of a rigid manipulator with a flexible mobile platform. The use of the coprime factorization-based stability margin and modal decomposition-based stability margin allows for end-point feedback control robust to model variation in base oscillations. When employed alongside the redundancy introduced by the mobile base of the excavator, configuration optimization is able to position the end-point of the excavator at the desired target position while still utilizing a robust arm configuration without explicitly including the undercarriage flexibility in the controller. As long as the configuration for the manipulator is chosen to have a high stability margin against induced undercarriage oscillation, the feedback system is stable and does not excite unstable vibration modes. Future work includes the extension of this method to experimental validation and to posture-based optimization for contact stability.


This material is based upon work supported by the Air Force Office of Scientific Research (Award No. FA2386-17-1-4655). Any opinions, findings, and conclusions or recommendations expressed in this material are those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect the views of the United States Air Force.

Appendix A: Robust Stability Margin by Normalized Coprime Factor Descriptions

Given a plant P~(s)krP=M~1N~, where kr is a scalar servo gain (kr > 0) (as kr increases, the analysis is performed with higher gain). A system with variation of its left coprime factors is considered. The transfer function is defined as: Tzw(s)[Kc(s)I](I+P~(s)Kc(s))1)[IP~(s)], where Kc is the stabilizing controller for P~(s). The robust stability margin εmax is
where ‖AH is the Hankel norm of A. Where robustness to modeling error is high when εmax is large.

Appendix B: Derivation of Gradient of wi

Given the classic eigenvalue problem Gν=λν, where G=Ri+RiT, we can take the gradient of both sides with respect to qB: (G/qB)ν+G(ν/qB)=ν(λ/qB)+λ(ν/qB). Enforcing ν to be a unit eigenvector, we can use the orthogonality of ν/qB and ν to reduce the number of terms in the equation. Taking the inner-product of each side with ν/qB yields λ/qB=ν,(G/qB)ν.


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Proceedings 2003 IEEE/ASME International Conference on Advanced Intelligent Mechatronics (AIM 2003)
July 2003
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Global Rac-Measure for Redundancy Solution of Human-like Manipulator Mounted on Flexible Body
2004 IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems (IROS) (IEEE Cat. No. 04CH37566)
Sept. 2004
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