In this work, the material properties of a series of fly ash/polyurea composites were studied. Dynamic mechanical analysis was conducted to study the effect of the fly ash volume fraction on the composite’s mechanical properties, i.e., on the material’s frequency- and temperature-dependent storage and loss moduli. It was found that the storage and loss moduli of the composite both increase as the fly ash volume fraction is increased. The storage and loss moduli of the composites relative to those of pure polyurea initially increase significantly with temperature and then slightly decrease or stay flat, attaining peak values around the glass transition region. The glass transition temperature (measured as the temperature at the maximum value of the loss modulus) shifted toward higher temperatures as the fly ash volume fraction increased. Additionally, we present the storage and loss moduli master curves for these materials obtained through application of the time-temperature superposition on measurements taken at a series of temperatures.
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January 2011
Research Papers
Dynamic Mechanical Analysis of Fly Ash Filled Polyurea Elastomer
Jing Qiao,
Jing Qiao
School of Materials Science and Engineering,
Harbin Institute of Technology
, Harbin 150001, China; Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering, Center of Excellence for Advanced Materials, University of California
, San Diego, CA, 920903
Search for other works by this author on:
Alireza V. Amirkhizi,
Alireza V. Amirkhizi
Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering, Center of Excellence for Advanced Materials,
University of California
, San Diego, CA, 920903
Search for other works by this author on:
Kristin Schaaf,
Kristin Schaaf
Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering, Center of Excellence for Advanced Materials,
University of California
, San Diego, CA, 920903
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Sia Nemat-Nasser
Sia Nemat-Nasser
Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering, Center of Excellence for Advanced Materials,
University of California
, San Diego, CA, 920903
Search for other works by this author on:
Jing Qiao
School of Materials Science and Engineering,
Harbin Institute of Technology
, Harbin 150001, China; Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering, Center of Excellence for Advanced Materials, University of California
, San Diego, CA, 920903e-mail:
Alireza V. Amirkhizi
Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering, Center of Excellence for Advanced Materials,
University of California
, San Diego, CA, 920903
Kristin Schaaf
Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering, Center of Excellence for Advanced Materials,
University of California
, San Diego, CA, 920903
Sia Nemat-Nasser
Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering, Center of Excellence for Advanced Materials,
University of California
, San Diego, CA, 920903J. Eng. Mater. Technol. Jan 2011, 133(1): 011016 (7 pages)
Published Online: December 3, 2010
Article history
March 9, 2010
May 20, 2010
December 3, 2010
December 3, 2010
Qiao, J., Amirkhizi, A. V., Schaaf, K., and Nemat-Nasser, S. (December 3, 2010). "Dynamic Mechanical Analysis of Fly Ash Filled Polyurea Elastomer." ASME. J. Eng. Mater. Technol. January 2011; 133(1): 011016.
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