The ASME International Design Engineering Technical Conference was a buzz of activity that held its own against the ringing slot machines and bright lights of Las Vegas, Nevada. The Editor nominee and I met together and individually with many who are concerned about the future of the Journal of Mechanical Design, and I am pleased to say that a plan is evolving that can serve our mechanical design research community well.
At one time the Journal of Mechanical Design was the primary venue for scholarship for the Design Engineering Division, but growth over the past years has lead to the formation of other journals to serve our community. The recent introduction of the Journal of Medical Devices brings this number to five, and a sixth is under consideration.
The Journal of Mechanical Design has achieved the recognition that we all have known that it deserves, now ranked in the top ten Mechanical Engineering journals for the past two years. Everyone at the conference voiced a commitment to maintaining the primacy of JMD. Because this is the primary ingredient for success, I know JMD's future is bright, even by Las Vegas standards.