This paper presents a novel mechanical transmission for pulling-cable electronic parking brakes (EPBs). The system is interposed between the brake electric actuator and the brake pads, and it exploits a 2DOF planar linkage to provide the requested brake force and ensure the correct vehicle standstill. This paper describes the working principles and main component of the adopted architecture, and compares it with the EPB state of the art. Thereafter, the paper focuses on the system requirements and consequent functional design. A first prototype of the presented mechanical transmission is then presented to discuss the role of a mechanical engagement within the system to ensure its proper behavior. In conclusion, the EPB drive motor assessment is discussed on the basis of a simplified drive chain dynamic model.
1 Introduction
In the past years, new trends and requests coming from the automotive market have led to the establishment of the electronic parking brake (EPB) system as an effective and reliable solution. Pursuing the general trend of converting classical mechanical operations into electrical ones, electric parking brake devices were first introduced at the beginning of the twenty-first century to increase the passenger’s comfort and security [1].
The EPB main functionality consists of driving the vehicle rear brake system to guarantee its correct stationing, but it also provides additional functionalities, e.g., start and stop assist, hill assist, and emergency braking. The standard EPB system consists of a control element, e.g., an electrical switch, positioned in the vehicle cockpit, that activates the EPB employing an electrical control unit (ECU) [2].
Within the EPB market, a main distinction is usually made depending on how the system is coupled with the brake calipers, resulting into the two categories of pulling-cable devices and integrated calipers, as shown in Fig. 1. In the first case [3–7], the electronic parking brake is coupled with the brake system using a Bowden cable, with the potential advantage of positioning the device in an unused area of the vehicle and without strict compactness restrictions. Nevertheless, the limited stiffness of the cable and the related friction phenomena that affect its motion cause a worse dynamic response and a worse efficiency than the integrated calipers solution. The latter case [2,8–10], instead, requires an electronic parking brake device for each axle shaft, and is affected by dimension limitations. However, they are often marked by a higher efficiency and lower value of required input power [11].
Regardless of its classification, the EPB standard mechanical layout consists of an electric drive motor, a reduction gearing, and a motion conversion unit, from rotatory to linear [1,12]. Figure 2(a) shows the standard mechanical layout of a cable-puller EPB. The need for a reduction unit arises from the required brake force versus caliper stroke characteristics, which monotonically increase to final clamping values that a direct motor-caliper coupling would not be able to fulfill. The motion conversion unit, instead, is typically carried out by a spindle-nut system, a ball screw drive, or similar.
In addition to these static apply design requirements, the correct vehicle stationing needs the reach and subsequent holding of a desired brake caliper stroke, even when the drive motor is turned off. Thus, the caliper motion irreversibility plays a key role within the static apply design requirements. It is worth noticing the use of a screw drive gear acts as a conversion unit that also guarantees the motion irreversibility, which justifies its wide and spread deployment among the electronic parking brake manufacturers [11].
Notwithstanding their specific mechanical layout, all the cited commercial EPB solutions are marked by a constant value of the transmission ratio. Thus, by neglecting eventual mechanical dissipative phenomena, the brake force characteristics can be easily converted into the required drive force/torque by means of a constant factor. In this regard, the typical brake force behavior is schematized in Fig. 3 as a function of the caliper stroke, where two distinguished phases, respectively the approaching (pink area) and clamping phase (blue area), are outlined [12,13]. When the EPB is not enabled, integrated return springs keep the brake calipers in the rest position. Thus, in what is defined as the approaching phase (i.e., the pink area of the graph), the required brake force is mainly influenced by the return spring elastic force and, eventually, by friction (e.g., between cable and sleeve for a cable-puller EPB). Then, due to the pads-disk contact, the characteristics significantly change its slope, entering into the actual clamping phase (blue area). The significant order-of-magnitude jump between the approaching and clamping phases may clearly lead to the design of an oversized drive chain, for it should guarantee the reach of the required maximum brake force. This aspect suggests the design of a variable transmission ratio system which can help in reducing the drive motor size.
Figure 3 also depicts the brake wear effect on the force characteristics, which results in the shift of bite point A; albeit the clamping phase curve slope, which depends mainly on the pad thickness and temperature [13], can be assumed as constant. It is worth underlining the bite point A, i.e., the point which marks the substantial curve slope change, is not easy to determine a priori due to the characteristics of the specific braking system and also due to the brake pads wear phenomena [13]. Besides, the phase transition, here simplified with a clear and marked slope change, is often not that concentrated, and its mathematical representation is a nontrivial concern [12]. Nevertheless, this additional matter also suggests the design of a transmission chain that automatically recognizes the phase transition area, thus adapting to its natural and inevitable shift.
By considering all the key features of a modern EPB transmission system above described, the paper’s main objective regards the functional design of a two degrees-of-freedom (DOF) planar linkage for cable-puller EPB transmission systems. This system, named EPB.QI, integrates all the cited static apply requirements, specifically by introducing a variable transmission ratio during the clamping phase and also by guaranteeing the motion irreversibility without exploiting friction phenomena. Besides, in order to take into account the bite point A shifting during working conditions, the EPB.QI linkage kinematics is not a priori imposed, thus exploiting an additional subsystem, here named mechanical engagement, that allows the automatic bite point detection.
This paper is an extended work of what was already presented by the authors in the “6th IFToMM International Conference on Mechanisms, Transmissions, and Applications (MetrApp2023)” [14]. As main contributions of the present paper, Secs. 2 and 3 present a few functional design insights, while Sec. 4 describes the mechanical engagement subsystem that allows the EPB.QI linkage mode switching and shows the EPB.QI preliminary prototyping. At last, toward the integration of the EPB.QI with its related drive chain, in Sec. 5 the electric drive motor assessment methodology is discussed on the basis of a simplified dynamic drive chain model.
2 The EPB.QI Transmission System
The EPB.QI mainly consists of a motion conversion unit and a planar 2DOF linkage. A schematic representation of EPB.QI is depicted in Fig. 2(b), where the motion conversion unit is positioned upstream of the EPB.QI that acts as a force amplifier with a variable transmission ratio.
Figure 4 shows a detailed representation of the EPB.QI linkage, where the relevant geometrical parameters are also made explicit. The three main components of the linkage, namely cursors A, U, and the mobile frame, are mounted on linear slides that guide the translational motion. A hinge joint connects the mobile frame to a ternary link, named BDE, whose initial orientation with respect to the mobile frame is described by angle and it is imposed by a mechanical end stop. and are respectively the drive and resistive force acting on slider A and U. The last main component of EPB.QI prototype is shown in Fig. 4 under the name of a generic mechanical engagement. Even though it will be explained hereafter, it is worth underlining this component is fixed to the mobile frame and it interacts with the fixed frame.
2.1 Design Requirements.
Based on what discussed above, the design of an electronic parking brake transmission system relies on the following static and dynamic application requirements:
– The total cable stroke . This value depends on the brake architecture and model, along with the level of brake wear and backlash. The EPB must typically guarantee a total stroke ranging between a minimum and a maximum value.
– The exerted pulling force , described as a function of the cable stroke . Figure 5 shows the behavior, where is the clamping force at the bite point A and is the maximum required clamping force.
– The total brake actuation time , that is often imposed by the desired vehicle performance.
– The application current , that is required from the electric motor, and it is often limited by the motor driver.
– The irreversibility of motion, both in initial () and final () configuration of the EPB device, to prevent sudden activation of the brake or its undesirable release.
In summary, the following values are design requirements uniquely imposed by the brake system whom the EPB has to drive:
– , i.e., the actuation force corresponding to the bite point A. Depending on the brake backlash and pad wear level, it may change during the EPB life cycle.
– , i.e., the maximum actuation force that guarantees the correct vehicle stationing.
– , i.e., the cable stroke during the clamping phase, that is mainly related to the braking system stiffness.
2.2 EPB.QI Working Principle.
Even though the EPB.QI planar linkage is marked by 2DOF, i.e., the translation of the mobile frame and the relative rotation of BDE ternary link with respect to the mobile frame itself, the EPB.QI functioning relies on the basic idea of exploiting these two DOF separately (see Figs. 5 and 6).
The first working mode, namely the translation mode, corresponds to a graph area with a relatively large cable stroke but low pulling forces. As the name suggests, in this modality the BDE link rotation is averted, i.e., the relative motion between cursor A and U is denied, and the entire EPB.QI translates with respect to the fixed frame; acting as a rigid body and without introducing any transmission ratio within the transmission kinematics (Fig. 6(a)). When the pulling force characteristics is near the bite point A, the desired behavior of the EPB.QI expects the lock of the mobile frame. As a result, the prosecution of cursor A motion provokes the relative rotation of BDE with respect to the mobile frame. In this fashion, the transmission system acts as an articulated mechanism within the plane.
It is worth underlining how the mode transition, from translation mode to rotation one, does not happen exactly at the bite point, but at a value of pulling force . This behavior, together with the BDE rotation lock during the approaching mode and the mobile frame lock during the rotation mode, is entirely demanded to the mechanical engagement, which is here not represented for simplification purposes and is described on Sec. 4.
In Fig. 6, a representation of what explained above is presented in form of a schematic drawing, with additional information about reference frames and the main parameters of each mode. The is the fixed reference frame, positioned in the initial position of cursor U during the translation mode. On the other hand, is a mobile-frame-attached reference frame, thus it stops during the rotation mode.
Another interesting aspect of the EPB.QI architecture lies in the attainment of the motion irreversibility of the pulling cable, which is fixed to cursor U, thanks to the overcoming of a singular configuration, that is shown in Figs. 6(c) and 6(d). Regarding this choice, a possible drawback could lie in the value of , which quantifies the backward motion of cursor U during the cited overcoming. This issue would turn into a cable release, though minimal. To avoid this behavior, the functional design must guarantee the motion irreversibility with a negligible backward motion of cursor U.
3 Linkage Design and Transmission Ratio Evaluation
– Position of A and U along -axis.
– Position of A and U along -axis.
Name | Description |
AB, EU | Length of AB and EU links |
DE, DB | Characteristic lengths of ternary link BDE |
Offset of D along | |
Pressure angle of AB | |
Pressure angle of EU | |
Angle between DE and DB direction of DBE | |
Angle between DE and EU link |
Name | Description |
AB, EU | Length of AB and EU links |
DE, DB | Characteristic lengths of ternary link BDE |
Offset of D along | |
Pressure angle of AB | |
Pressure angle of EU | |
Angle between DE and DB direction of DBE | |
Angle between DE and EU link |
Thus, the design procedure can be performed in terms of several values, that are hereinafter described.
Finally, additional choices may be done regarding practical and technological issues. Among them, the following remarks significantly influence the linkage design:
– A minimal length of and link must be respected. In this regard, a value of 15 mm was chosen by the authors for the EPB.QI design.
– To compact the transmission system along the -axis, all the sliders may be positioned on the same linear guide. In this fashion, the mechanical interference during the rotation between all the components must be avoided.
3.1 Functional Design Methodology.
As a possible design methodology, Fig. 8 shows a block diagram that addresses the problem by treating the linkage as two separate slider-crank mechanisms that are coupled by means of the fixed angle . Regarding the first block, the method considers the lengths DE and EU as design input, while the second block relies on the values and .
3.2 Adjustable Cable Stroke.
The adjustable cable stroke linkage design represents another main aspect of the design methodology. As cited in Sec. 2.1 about the design requirements of EPB.QI, a cable-puller EPB must guarantee an adjustable cable stroke due to the application of the system to several and different vehicle brake architectures. Nevertheless, it is worth remarking that the cable stroke is usually a design requirement imposed by the end-user, thus it is defined during the design process and it is not changed when the EPB is operating. Within the paper, the term “cable stroke adjusting” is thus used to refer to a modification of the cable stroke that is done before the EPB installation on the vehicle.
Figure 9 shows how this problem may be addressed by means of the DE-EU linkage adjustment. This method is based on a variable length of EU link and of its connection point on the ternary link BDE. Thanks to this approach, the rotating mode stroke can be changed inside the range without changing the initial point of U link, i.e., U, and also without any modification on the driving linkage DB-BA.
Nonetheless, this stroke adjusting approach produces the unwanted effect of changing the final value of the pressure angle , that increases the vertical component of the force transmitted by slider U on the prismatic joint. To minimize this effect, the suggested approach is to still impose for the intermediate value of stroke , then to keep under control the maximum value . The variable cable stroke design thus represents the last process block depicted in Fig. 8 and substantially consists in the reproduction of what done for DE-EU linkage with but now considering the two boundary values and . In this case is nonetheless imposed, as well as the direction along with the two points E lie.
It is also worth noticing how the value of the link length DE follows the behavior of the stroke , i.e. if the stroke is reduced, the link length DE reduces too. Link length EU, instead, follows the opposite behavior.
3.3 Design Results.
The proposed design method in Fig. 8 can be used to compute and compare several solution sets, in terms of geometries, overall dimensions, and transmission ratio. Among them, Table 2 shows a possible solution for a cable stroke range of mm, thus mm. The total dimension along -axis is measured as the sum of , which has here the value of 20 mm, and the horizontal encumbrance of EPB.QI during the rotating phase. The pressure angle of link EU is kept within the range deg, while the most critical value of is related to the maximum stroke and it corresponds to 61 mm. On the other hand, mm, which is nevertheless a reasonable value for executive design concerns.
mm | mm | mm |
DE / = 1.67 | DE / = 1.7 | DE / = 1.6 |
EU / = 3.67 | EU / = 6.1 | EU / = 2.55 |
deg | deg | deg |
120 deg | ||
DB / = 6.4 | ||
BA / = 4.87 | ||
/ = 4.93 | ||
/ = 1.3 + 4.93 = 6.26 |
mm | mm | mm |
DE / = 1.67 | DE / = 1.7 | DE / = 1.6 |
EU / = 3.67 | EU / = 6.1 | EU / = 2.55 |
deg | deg | deg |
120 deg | ||
DB / = 6.4 | ||
BA / = 4.87 | ||
/ = 4.93 | ||
/ = 1.3 + 4.93 = 6.26 |
Regarding the transmission ratio behavior , its monotone decreasing characteristics is depicted in Fig. 10, where it is evident how it each curve goes when it gets closer to the singular configuration. Since the transmission ratio value during the translation mode is evidently unitary, for the EPB.QI is just translating along the -axis, there is a sudden drop-down of the curve when the system switches from translating to rotating mode. This causes a velocity discontinuity of the pulling cable, especially when the cable stroke is near its minimum value. Nevertheless, according to the authors, a velocity discontinuity of the cable stroke doesn’t represent a possible critical drawback for the correct functioning of a cable-puller EPB, since the actual brake has yet to occur.
4 Engagement and Disengagement Considerations
As previously mentioned, the EPB.QI transmission system includes a planar linkage whose 2DOF are meant to be used separately to make the EPB.QI work as a translating or rotating mechanism. Nevertheless, if its kinematics is not imposed, the system itself would not be capable of changing its behavior in correspondence with the desired value of brake force . Therefore, within the present section, the additional components that are in charge of making the system work as desired, also imposing the transition at the exact value are discussed.
As alternative, Figs. 12(c) and 12(d) schematize the use of a flat spring acting between the mobile frame and slider A, here modeled as a concentrated hinge joint with a torque spring. By referring the force acting on links BA and EU to respectively and , it is possible to rewrite Eq. (19) to calculate the value of maximum attractive force that is needed to guarantee the mode transition at the desired value of cable pulling force by implementing the flat spring option:
4.1 Mobile Frame Locking System.
Figure 13 depicts the resulting design of an EPB.QI equipped with a mechanical engagement consisting of flat springs and ratchet-based OWC. The motion irreversibility is obtained by means of a mechanical end stop acting between the mobile frame and slider A. The ratchet disengagement is obtained by direct contact between cursor A and the ratchet itself.
4.2 Preliminary Prototype and Engagement Validation.
This subsection presents a preliminary experimental validation of what previously described regarding the EPB.QI mode transistion and the actual functioning of the mobile frame locking system.3 The EPB.QI custom components, i.e., the linkage links and cursors, were made using the fused deposition modeling (FDM) additive manufacturing method in polylactic acid plastic, while the rest, i.e., springs, sliders, sleeves, were selected from commercial and standard components.
The trials on this first version of the EPB.QI transmission system evidenced how the reliability of the mode transition could be mainly compromised during the disengagement phase, i.e., when the EPB.QI is supposed to switch from the rotation mode to the traslation mode; thus it corresponds to the parking brake release. In this scenario, the mobile frame backward motion is prevented by the interaction between the ratchet gear rack and the pawl, but the resulting force already described in Eq. (22) may hinder the pawl release. As a result, the prototype design was slightly modified, by adding the possibility of an extra-rotation of BDE during the disengagement to diminish the pulling force acting on the EPB.QI. Figure 14 shows the two EPB.QI main configurations corresponding to and of Fig. 5.
Regarding the whole EPB.QI test bench, Fig. 15 shows a 3D model of the entire system. The chosen mobile frame locking system is here composed by mechanical engagement with traction springs and a ratchet-based OWC, this latter also manufactured in FDM and characterized by a trapezoidal shape with a teeth spacing of 2 mm, an height of 2 mm, and a minimum tooth tickness of 0.5 mm. Apart from the EPB.QI prototype, the test bench includes a spring assembly composed by two compression springs to reproduce the brake force characteristics shown in Fig. 5. The two springs actually extert an elastic force respectively during the approaching and clamping phase, as it is also depicted within the figure. The maximum value of the pulling force during the approaching phase was set to a value of N while the maximum brake force had a value of N.
It should be noted that the system shown in Fig. 15 does not have a drive motor and not even the EPB.QI motion converter (see Fig. 2), therefore cursor A of EPB.QI was manually driven by an operator as shown in Fig. 14(a).
The test bench has a total longitudinal encumbrance along -axis of 80 cm (from spring assembly to the end of the linear guide), a maximum height of 14 cm along and it is 9 cm thick. Regarding the maximum allowed stroke of the pulling cable, the prototype was manufactured with a maximum allowed traslation mode stroke of cm, even though the requested sufficient value was mm. The rotation mode was instead characterized by a cable stroke value equal to mm.
5 Drive Motor Analysis
Since the EPB.QI is meant to act as both a torque amplifier and motion converter, the design procedure explained in Sec. 3, especially in terms of the design parameter , must guarantee the drive kinematic chain of the transmission system does not need additional gears to reach the torque required by the vehicle brake pads. This feature is clearly affected by several determinants, as for instance the pulling force characteristics explained in Fig. 5, the EPB.QI inertia and transmission ratio in Fig. 10 and the equation of motion. Nevertheless, it is worth underlining the standard layout of a cable-puller EPB converts the motion, from rotating to linear, downstream of the gearbox unit (Fig. 2), which provokes an axial tension on the screw that is comparable to the brake force magnitude. In a reverse fashion, the EPB.QI drive motor is directly connected to the lead screw, thus admitting a lower screw nominal diameter thus increasing the screw transmission efficiency [17].
In addition, an upper limit to the value of , i.e., the total brake actuation time, is often imposed not only by the required performance but also by standard regulations. Thus, must be taken into consideration when selecting the EPB drive motor.
To this aim, a drive motor evaluation method is here discussed and schematized in Fig. 16 in the s-Domain. The method cuts out the ECU drive chain controller and assumes the electric motor is supplied at the maximum supply voltage of , to evaluate whether its characteristics stay within its admissible values of drive current . Even though it clearly simplifies the overall EPB dynamic response, the method allows the drive motor selection among the available commercial solutions, thus postponing the ECU controller design to a subsequent and further step [12].
Value | Type | Description | |
Motor electric model | Input | Supply voltage (V) | |
Back EMF constant (V s/rad) | |||
, | Motor inductance and resistance (H), () | ||
Torque constant (N m/A) | |||
Output | Motor torque (Nm) | ||
Motor +leadscrew dynamics | , | Input | Screw lead angle and friction coefficient |
Screw lead (m) | |||
Rotor and lead screw inertia (kg m) | |||
Output | Motor speed (rad/s) | ||
Slider A position along -axis (m) | |||
EPQ.QI | Input | Transmission ratio (Fig. 10) | |
Pulling force characteristics (N) | |||
Output | Resistive torque acting on the lead screw due to (Nm) |
Value | Type | Description | |
Motor electric model | Input | Supply voltage (V) | |
Back EMF constant (V s/rad) | |||
, | Motor inductance and resistance (H), () | ||
Torque constant (N m/A) | |||
Output | Motor torque (Nm) | ||
Motor +leadscrew dynamics | , | Input | Screw lead angle and friction coefficient |
Screw lead (m) | |||
Rotor and lead screw inertia (kg m) | |||
Output | Motor speed (rad/s) | ||
Slider A position along -axis (m) | |||
EPQ.QI | Input | Transmission ratio (Fig. 10) | |
Pulling force characteristics (N) | |||
Output | Resistive torque acting on the lead screw due to (Nm) |
In Fig. 17, the analysis results are shown by considering the Maxon EC 60 flat brushless motor [19] and a lead-screw with mm and deg. Regarding all the remaining input parameters here not cited, please refer to Fig. 17 caption.
The results show the selected drive chain is able to complete the brake activation in a total time 1 second, while the supply current stays beneath the maximum allowed value of A during the brake pads clamping.
6 Conclusion
The paper had presented the design of EPB.QI, a novel transmission system for cable-puller electronic parking brake devices. EPB.QI consists of a motion converter and a planar 2DOF linkage marked by a variable transmission ratio. The EPB.QI linkage design methods had been presented, underlining how additional components, e.g., flat springs, ratchet, or sprag mechanisms, play a key role to guarantee the proper EPB.QI mode transition. The linkage design was carried out on the basis of design but also technological requirements, where the entire system is decoupled as two different slider-crank mechanisms coupled by means of the ternary link BDE. The EPB.QI linkage preliminary prototyping was presented mainly to discuss the possible system drawbacks during the engagement and disengagement phase. Toward the design and realization of a final version of the EPB.QI transmission system, the EPB.QI dynamic response, together with a comparison among the commercial EPB and the solution here presented, may constitute a future development of the research project.
Regarding also the final integration of the EPB.QI system with the drive chain and vehicle ECU, a preliminary assessment of the EPB drive chain was developed upon a simplified drive chain dynamic model, to inspect whether the entire system is able to complete the brake pads actuation respecting the maximum time and supply current design constraints.
The following supplementary video also shows and describes the EPB.QI planar linkage behavior: https://youtu.be/3lObtZTqV9A.
The authors would like to thank SKF Industrie for their financial and technical support and the staff of Nova Progetti Torino for their work in developing the EPB.QI executive design.
Conflict of Interest
There are no conflicts of interest.
Data Availability Statement
The authors attest that all data for this study are included in the paper.