This article discusses that it is a testament to the hard work and ingenuity of the engineers working in the space program that such complicated systems get launched successfully. To the people who study it professionally, risk is the probability, or frequency (probability per unit time), and the consequence (severity) of an undesired event, and the uncertainties associated with the estimated probabilities and consequences. NASA has adopted a “continuous risk management” process for all its programs and projects. This process begins with the identification and analysis of program or project risks that impact success criteria. The risk management process continues with risk analysis, planning, tracking, and control. All unacceptable risks are dealt with before a project or program can proceed. Probabilistic risk assessments (PRA) are useful in every phase of a mission life cycle, not just at design or before launch. A PRA performed in the design phase can help identify the risks associated with systems and components and with technological options.
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September 2005
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Venturing to the Far Reaches
To Push Deeper into Space, we must try to Account for all the Risks.
Michael Stamatelatos is director of the Safety and Assurance Requirements Division of NASA's Office of Safety and Mission Assurance in Washington, and is past chair of ASME's Safety Engineering and Risk Analysis Division.
Mechanical Engineering. Sep 2005, 127(09): 38-40 (3 pages)
Published Online: September 1, 2005
Stamatelatos, M. (September 1, 2005). "Venturing to the Far Reaches." ASME. Mechanical Engineering. September 2005; 127(09): 38–40.
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