In this study, heat fluxes qc for condensation from steam and air mixtures on vertical flat plates were evaluated by using existing experimental data and qc correlations, in order to provide one of boundary conditions for computational fluid dynamics (CFD) analysis in a primary containment vessel (PCV) of nuclear power plants during accident conditions. Existing qc,fc correlations for forced convection condensation overestimated or underestimated experimental data qc,exp measured with the CONAN facility, and a combination of the selected existing qc,fc correlation and the suction correction factor θC was proposed to obtain good agreement between the qc,cal values computed with the combination and the qc,exp values. For natural convection condensation, it was found that the qc,nc values were largely different between those measured in closed vessels with evaporation and condensation and in flow channels with decreasing the mixture velocity, and hence, the present evaluation focused on qc,nc obtained in the flow channels. It was also found that uncertainty became large when the qc,nc values were computed by changing the Sherwood number Shfc in the qc,fc correlation to Shnc for natural convection. The qc,exp values measured with the COPAIN facility were well expressed by the qc,nc correlation proposed by Corradini (Nucl. Technol., 64(2), pp. 186-195, 1984), but the published data were few. Therefore, collection of experimental or numerical qc,nc values is necessary in the future.