The Journal of Offshore Mechanics and Arctic Engineering (JOMAE) is searching for a new Technical Editor. All applicants must have a Ph.D. or equivalent degree from an engineering field related to offshore mechanics, hydrodynamics, ocean engineering, pipeline engineering, materials technology, safety and reliability, computational fluid dynamics, or polar engineering. A successful candidate is expected to have extensive publication record and vast experience in the peer-review process. Having served as an associate editor for an ASME journal is a plus. The candidate should hold a senior position with an educational institution, a research organization, or an industry.
The Technical Editor manages the entire process of submission, review, acceptance, and rejection of journal manuscripts. Submissions are electronic through the ASME Digital Submission Site. Occasional hardcopy submissions are, however, still possible. The Technical Editor shares with ASME staff the production process of accepted manuscripts, assigning them to specific issues, and answering individual requests in terms of publication. Special themed issues are generally assigned to Guest Editors or Associate Editors. ASME Technical Editors serve up to two terms of five years each. The Technical Editor position is a volunteer position with no remuneration. However, the Journal has a small budget that can cover most journal-related expenses.
The selection process involves the screening of candidates by the OOAE Division Executive Committee and upon recommendation of the current Technical Editor. The nominee (by the Division) will need to participate in an interview with the ASME Publications Committee at the Winter Congress or Summer Meeting. A successful interview is part of the nomination process. The current search timetable calls for an interview in either June or November 2007. Those interested in applying for the Technical Editor position should submit a full resume to Prof. Stephen Liu, together with a one-page description on how you envision leading the Journal in the next 10 years. Having committed resources from the institution of origin in support of this effort to effectively manage the journal will definitely be a plus in the process of selection. Finally, the successful candidate must be an ASME member with OOAE designated as the primary affiliation. A strong involvement with the OMAE Conference and symposium organization is definitely an advantage since OOAE Division sponsors the Journal of Offshore Mechanics and Arctic Engineering.
Screening of the candidates will continue until the position is filled. Any inquiries on this search should be directed to Prof. Stephen Liu at or (303) 273-3796.
The Journal of Offshore Mechanics and Arctic Engineering was established in 1987 as one of the Transactions Journals of ASME. The first Technical Editor was Dr. Subrata Chakrabarti (1987–1996) and the second Technical Editor is Dr. Stephen Liu (1997–2007). The new Technical Editor will begin his or her term in January 2008.