The vibration and impact dynamics of a periodically forced loosely supported beam are analyzed. The wear work rates at impact points are evaluated. The considered beam is clamped at one end, and constrained against unilateral contact at contact sites, with or without friction, near the other end. In this work, the structure is modeled by a Bernoulli-type beam supported by springs using finite element method. Our model calculations are compared with measurements of contact forces and displacements made on a loosely supported rod that was subjected to harmonic loading. Furthermore, the dynamics of vibro-impacts are characterized by evaluating the impact velocity as a function of harmonic excitation frequency for two idealizations of the aforementioned structure. [S0094-9930(00)01002-7]
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May 2000
Technical Papers
Vibro-Impact Dynamics of a Periodically Forced Beam
Jakob Knudsen,
Jakob Knudsen
Malmo¨ University, SE 205 06 Malmo¨, Sweden
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Ali R. Massih
Ali R. Massih
Lulea˚ University of Technology, SE 971 87 Lulea˚, Sweden
ABB Atom AB, SE 721 63 Va¨stera˚s, Sweden
Search for other works by this author on:
Jakob Knudsen
Malmo¨ University, SE 205 06 Malmo¨, Sweden
Ali R. Massih
Lulea˚ University of Technology, SE 971 87 Lulea˚, Sweden
ABB Atom AB, SE 721 63 Va¨stera˚s, Sweden
Contributed by the Pressure Vessels and Piping Division for publication in the JOURNAL OF PRESSURE VESSEL TECHNOLOGY. Manuscript received by the PVP Division, June 14, 1999; revised manuscript received January 27, 2000. Associate Technical Editor: G. C. Slagis.
J. Pressure Vessel Technol. May 2000, 122(2): 210-221 (12 pages)
Published Online: January 27, 2000
Article history
June 14, 1999
January 27, 2000
Knudsen, J., and Massih, A. R. (January 27, 2000). "Vibro-Impact Dynamics of a Periodically Forced Beam ." ASME. J. Pressure Vessel Technol. May 2000; 122(2): 210–221.
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