The assessment of steam generator tubes with defects is of great importance for the life extension of steam generators. Circumferential through-wall cracks are the most severe of all tube circumferential defects, and usually require plugging of the affected tubes. The assessment of the tubes with through-wall circumferential cracks or cracks projected to become through-wall can be conducted using the failure assessment diagram (FAD) approach. This approach requires the calculation of the stress intensity factor and the limit load. The available stress intensity factor and limit load solutions for cracked tubes do not include the constraining effect of the tube supports. In the present paper, it is shown that this can be overly conservative. Solutions for stress intensity factors and limit loads are presented for tubes with circumferential through-wall cracks including the effect from the tube support plates. Different values of support spacing are considered. Based on these solutions, the assessment of a typical steam generator tube is demonstrated.
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February 2003
Technical Papers
On the Assessment of Through-Wall Circumferential Cracks in Steam Generator Tubes With Tube Supports
Xin Wang, Mem. ASME,
Xin Wang, Mem. ASME
Department of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering, Carleton University, Ottawa, Ontario K1S 5B6, Canada
Search for other works by this author on:
Wolf Reinhardt, Mem. ASME
Wolf Reinhardt, Mem. ASME
Nuclear Engineering, Babcock & Wilcox Canada, Cambridge, Ontario N1R 5V3, Canada
Search for other works by this author on:
Xin Wang, Mem. ASME
Department of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering, Carleton University, Ottawa, Ontario K1S 5B6, Canada
Wolf Reinhardt, Mem. ASME
Nuclear Engineering, Babcock & Wilcox Canada, Cambridge, Ontario N1R 5V3, Canada
Contributed by the Pressure Vessels and Piping Division and presented at the Pressure Vessels and Piping Conference, Atlanta, Georgia, July 22–26, 2001, of THE AMERICAN SOCIETY OF MECHANICAL ENGINEERS. Manuscript received by the PVP Division, November 8, 2001; revised manuscript received July 30, 2002. Associate Editor: S. Y. Zamrik.
J. Pressure Vessel Technol. Feb 2003, 125(1): 85-90 (6 pages)
Published Online: January 31, 2003
Article history
November 8, 2001
July 30, 2002
January 31, 2003
Wang, X., and Reinhardt, W. (January 31, 2003). "On the Assessment of Through-Wall Circumferential Cracks in Steam Generator Tubes With Tube Supports ." ASME. J. Pressure Vessel Technol. February 2003; 125(1): 85–90.
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