One important element of the Leak-Before-Break analysis of nuclear piping is how to determine relevant fracture toughness (or the -resistance curve) for nonlinear fracture mechanics analysis. The practice to use fracture toughness from a standard C(T) specimen is known to often give conservative estimates of toughness. To improve the accuracy of predicting piping failure, this paper proposes a new method to determine fracture toughness using a nonstandard testing specimen, curved wide-plate in tension. To show validity of the proposed curved wide-plate test, the -resistance curve from the full-scale pipe test is compared with that from the curved wide-plate test and that from C(T) specimen. It is shown that the -resistance curve from the curved wide-plate tension test is similar to, but that from the C(T) specimen is lower than, the -resistance curve from the full-scale pipe test. Further validation is performed by investigating crack-tip constraint conditions via detailed three-dimensional finite element analyses, which shows that the crack-tip constraint condition in the curved wide-plate tension specimen is indeed similar to that in the full-scale pipe under bending.
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November 2004
Research Papers
Prediction of Failure Behavior for Nuclear Piping Using Curved Wide-Plate Test
Nam-Su Huh,
Nam-Su Huh
SAFE Research Centre, School of Mechanical Engineering, Sungkyunkwan University, 300 Chunchun-dong, Jangan-gu, Suwon, Kyonggi-do 440-746, Korea
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Yun-Jae Kim,
Yun-Jae Kim
Department of Mechanical Engineering, Korea University, 1-5 ka, Anam-dong, Sungbuk-gu, Seoul 136-701, Korea
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Jae-Boong Choi,
Jae-Boong Choi
School of Mechanical Engineering, Sungkyunkwan University, 300 Chunchun-dong, Jangan-gu, Suwon, Kyonggi-do 440-746, Korea
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Young-Jin Kim,
Young-Jin Kim
School of Mechanical Engineering, Sungkyunkwan University, 300 Chunchun-dong, Jangan-gu, Suwon, Kyonggi-do 440-746, Korea
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Chang-Ryul Pyo
Chang-Ryul Pyo
Department of Mechanical Engineering, Induk Institute of Technology, San 76 Wolgye-dong, Nowon-gu, Seoul 139-749, Korea
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Nam-Su Huh
SAFE Research Centre, School of Mechanical Engineering, Sungkyunkwan University, 300 Chunchun-dong, Jangan-gu, Suwon, Kyonggi-do 440-746, Korea
Yun-Jae Kim
Department of Mechanical Engineering, Korea University, 1-5 ka, Anam-dong, Sungbuk-gu, Seoul 136-701, Korea
Jae-Boong Choi
School of Mechanical Engineering, Sungkyunkwan University, 300 Chunchun-dong, Jangan-gu, Suwon, Kyonggi-do 440-746, Korea
Young-Jin Kim
School of Mechanical Engineering, Sungkyunkwan University, 300 Chunchun-dong, Jangan-gu, Suwon, Kyonggi-do 440-746, Korea
Chang-Ryul Pyo
Department of Mechanical Engineering, Induk Institute of Technology, San 76 Wolgye-dong, Nowon-gu, Seoul 139-749, Korea
Contributed by the Pressure Vessels and Piping Division for publication in the JOURNAL OF PRESSURE VESSEL TECHNOLOGY. Manuscript received by the PVP Division October 15, 2003; revision received July 21, 2004. Associate Editor: W. L. Cheng.
J. Pressure Vessel Technol. Nov 2004, 126(4): 419-425 (7 pages)
Published Online: December 1, 2004
Article history
October 15, 2003
July 21, 2004
December 1, 2004
Huh, N., Kim, Y., Choi , J., Kim , Y., and Pyo, C. (December 1, 2004). "Prediction of Failure Behavior for Nuclear Piping Using Curved Wide-Plate Test ." ASME. J. Pressure Vessel Technol. November 2004; 126(4): 419–425.
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