Over time, corrosion in a pipe causes metal loss which reduces the amount of stress a pipe can be exposed to before failure. A radial thickness measurement of the corroded pipe allows for a quantitative analysis of the pipe's strength by identifying areas of significant material loss. The effects of metal loss defects on a pipe compound when the defects are close enough to interact. Thus, the identification and characterization of interacting defects as a defect cluster are required when calculating remaining pipe strength. A Python-based Techlog* wellbore software platform plugin was developed to provide an analytical workflow to detect and characterize the impact of metal loss defects and defect clusters on remaining pipe strength for downhole wellbore integrity applications. The developed plugin is a fully customizable workflow that can be adapted to any well integrity scenario and pipeline regulatory body standards such as ASME B31G, subsequently meeting client's reporting requirements. The innovative workflow has additional potential to be ported to completely new applications utilizing various alternative downhole measurements.