A directly irradiated cavity solar reactor devoted to the thermal reduction of SnO2 particle-cloud is studied numerically by using the Monte Carlo method. The steady-state model solves the radiation and convection heat transfers in the semitransparent particle suspension and the chemical reaction. It was used to predict the temperature distribution and the reaction extent inside the cavity, as well as the theoretical thermochemical efficiency for different operational conditions. The simulations assume that the reactor contains a nonuniform size suspension of radiatively participating reacting SnO2 particles. The model takes into account the radiative characteristics of the particles, as well as the directional characteristics of the power distribution of the incoming concentrated solar energy. The particle concentration, the particle size, and the length of the reactor are varied. Results show that the particle temperature and the yield of the endothermic reaction are higher when the reactor is fed with a cloud of particles with average diameter of 20 μm. The maximal thermochemical efficiency reached is 10%, which corresponds to an optimal optical thickness of around 2.
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November 2011
Research Papers
Monte Carlo Heat Transfer Modeling of a Particle-Cloud Solar Reactor for SnO2 Thermal Reduction
H. I. Villafán-Vidales,
H. I. Villafán-Vidales
e-mail: hivv@cie.unam.mx
Materials and Solar Energy Laboratory
, PROMES-CNRS, 7 Rue du Four Solaire, Font-Romeu, 66120, France
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C. A. Arancibia-Bulnes,
C. A. Arancibia-Bulnes
Centro de Investigación en Energía,
e-mail: caab@cie.unam.mx
Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México
, Privada Xochicalco s/n, Temixco, 62580, México
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S. Abanades,
S. Abanades
e-mail: stephane.abanades@promes.cnrs.fr
Materials and Solar Energy Laboratory
, PROMES-CNRS, 7 Rue du Four Solaire, Font-Romeu, 66120, France
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D. Riveros-Rosas,
D. Riveros-Rosas
Instituto de Geofísica,
e-mail: driveros@geofisica.unam.mx
Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México
, Ciudad Universitaria, México DF, 04510, México
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H. Romero-Paredes
H. Romero-Paredes
Departamento de Ingeniería de Procesos e Hidráulica,
e-mail: hrp@xanum.uam.mx
Universidad Autónoma Metropolitana-Iztapalapa
, Av. San Rafael Atlixco No.186, México D.F, 09340, México
Search for other works by this author on:
H. I. Villafán-Vidales
Materials and Solar Energy Laboratory
, PROMES-CNRS, 7 Rue du Four Solaire, Font-Romeu, 66120, France
e-mail: hivv@cie.unam.mx
C. A. Arancibia-Bulnes
Centro de Investigación en Energía,
Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México
, Privada Xochicalco s/n, Temixco, 62580, México
e-mail: caab@cie.unam.mx
S. Abanades
Materials and Solar Energy Laboratory
, PROMES-CNRS, 7 Rue du Four Solaire, Font-Romeu, 66120, France
e-mail: stephane.abanades@promes.cnrs.fr
D. Riveros-Rosas
Instituto de Geofísica,
Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México
, Ciudad Universitaria, México DF, 04510, México
e-mail: driveros@geofisica.unam.mx
H. Romero-Paredes
Departamento de Ingeniería de Procesos e Hidráulica,
Universidad Autónoma Metropolitana-Iztapalapa
, Av. San Rafael Atlixco No.186, México D.F, 09340, México
e-mail: hrp@xanum.uam.mx
J. Sol. Energy Eng. Nov 2011, 133(4): 041009 (8 pages)
Published Online: October 13, 2011
Article history
May 13, 2011
June 18, 2011
October 13, 2011
October 13, 2011
Villafán-Vidales, H. I., Arancibia-Bulnes, C. A., Abanades, S., Riveros-Rosas, D., and Romero-Paredes, H. (October 13, 2011). "Monte Carlo Heat Transfer Modeling of a Particle-Cloud Solar Reactor for SnO2 Thermal Reduction." ASME. J. Sol. Energy Eng. November 2011; 133(4): 041009. https://doi.org/10.1115/1.4004550
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