Due to forward scattering of direct sunlight in the atmosphere, the circumsolar region closely surrounding the solar disk looks very bright. The radiation coming from this region, the circumsolar radiation, is in large part included in common direct normal irradiance (DNI) measurements, but only partially intercepted by the receivers of focusing collectors. This effect has to be considered in the performance analysis of concentrating collectors in order to avoid overestimation of the intercepted irradiance. At times, the overestimation reaches more than 10% for highly concentrating systems even for sky conditions with relevant DNI above 200 W/m2. The amount of circumsolar radiation varies strongly with time, location and sky conditions. However, no representative sunshape measurements exist for locations that are now of particular interest for concentrating solar power (CSP) or concentrating photovoltaics (CPV). A new sunshape measurement system is developed and analyzed in this study. The system consists of the sun and aureole measurement instrument (SAM), an AERONET sun photometer and postprocessing software. A measurement network is being created with the presented system. The uncertainty of this system is significantly lower than what was obtained with previous devices. In addition, the spectral optical properties of circumsolar radiation are determined. As a result, the necessary information for CSP and CPV systems, and a basis for the development of modeling methods for circumsolar radiation, can now be achieved.
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November 2013
Measurement of Solar Radiance Profiles With the Sun and Aureole Measurement System
S. Wilbert,
Institute of Solar Research,
Plataforma Solar de Almería (PSA),
Apartado 39, Tabernas 04200,
e-mail: stefan.wilbert@dlr.de
S. Wilbert
German Aerospace Center (DLR)
,Institute of Solar Research,
Plataforma Solar de Almería (PSA),
Ctra. de Senés s/n km 4
,Apartado 39, Tabernas 04200,
,e-mail: stefan.wilbert@dlr.de
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B. Reinhardt,
B. Reinhardt
DLR, Institut für Physik der Atmosphäre
Wessling 82234
, Germany
1Present address: Meteorologisches Institut München, Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität, Theresienstr. 37, 80333 München, Germany.
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J. DeVore,
429 Stanley Drive,
J. DeVore
Visidyne, Inc.
,429 Stanley Drive,
Santa Barbara, CA 93105
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M. Röger,
Ctra. de Senés s/n km 4,
M. Röger
DLR, Institute of Solar Research, PSA
,Ctra. de Senés s/n km 4,
Apartado 39, Tabernas 04200
, Spain
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R. Pitz-Paal,
Linder Höhe,
R. Pitz-Paal
DLR, Institute of Solar Research
,Linder Höhe,
Köln 51147
, Germany
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C. Gueymard,
Colebrook, NH 03576
C. Gueymard
Solar Consulting Services
,P.O. Box 392
,Colebrook, NH 03576
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R. Buras
R. Buras
Meteorologisches Institut München
Theresienstr. 37, München 80333
, Germany
Search for other works by this author on:
S. Wilbert
German Aerospace Center (DLR)
,Institute of Solar Research,
Plataforma Solar de Almería (PSA),
Ctra. de Senés s/n km 4
,Apartado 39, Tabernas 04200,
,e-mail: stefan.wilbert@dlr.de
B. Reinhardt
DLR, Institut für Physik der Atmosphäre
Wessling 82234
, Germany
J. DeVore
Visidyne, Inc.
,429 Stanley Drive,
Santa Barbara, CA 93105
M. Röger
DLR, Institute of Solar Research, PSA
,Ctra. de Senés s/n km 4,
Apartado 39, Tabernas 04200
, Spain
R. Pitz-Paal
DLR, Institute of Solar Research
,Linder Höhe,
Köln 51147
, Germany
C. Gueymard
Solar Consulting Services
,P.O. Box 392
,Colebrook, NH 03576
R. Buras
Meteorologisches Institut München
Theresienstr. 37, München 80333
, Germany
1Present address: Meteorologisches Institut München, Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität, Theresienstr. 37, 80333 München, Germany.
Contributed by the Solar Energy Division of ASME for publication in the Journal of Solar Energy Engineering. Manuscript received February 29, 2012; final manuscript received March 27, 2013; published online June 25, 2013. Assoc. Editor: Werner Platzer.
J. Sol. Energy Eng. Nov 2013, 135(4): 041002 (11 pages)
Published Online: June 25, 2013
Article history
February 29, 2012
Revision Received:
March 27, 2013
Wilbert, S., Reinhardt, B., DeVore, J., Röger, M., Pitz-Paal, R., Gueymard, C., and Buras, R. (June 25, 2013). "Measurement of Solar Radiance Profiles With the Sun and Aureole Measurement System." ASME. J. Sol. Energy Eng. November 2013; 135(4): 041002. https://doi.org/10.1115/1.4024244
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