The results of experiments on Society of Automotive Engineers (SAE) 1043 steel show that the cyclic stress-strain response in small regions of a notched specimen is not necessarily the same as that obtained in tests on smooth specimens of the same metal. At the roots of notches (two different notch radii were used) plastic flow occurs at the same cyclic lives as in unnotched specimens, when the longitudinal total strains are similar. Cyclic plasticity develops in many fewer cycles near the notches than in smooth specimens under the same longitudinal total strains. The more sharply notched specimens soften more rapidly at locations near the notches than the less severely notched ones under identical longitudinal strains.
Issue Section:
Research Papers
, J.
, Wetzel
, R. M.
, and Topper
, T. H.
, “Laboratory Simulation of Structural Fatigue Behavior
” in Effects of Environment and Complex Load History on Fatigue Life
, STP 462, American Society for Testing and Materials
, Philadelphia
, 1970
, pp. 74
, J. M.
, “The Application of Elasto-plastic Notch Stress Analysis to Improve Cumulative Damage Predictions
,” No. 71-776, presented at the American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics 3rd Aircraft Design and Operations Meeting
, Seattle
, 1971
, J. C.
, “Fatigue Mechanisms in the Sub-Creep Range
” in Metal Fatigue Damage—Mechanism, Detection, Avoidance, and Repair
, STP 495, American Society for Testing and Materials
, Philadelphia
, 1971
, pp. 5
, D. F.
and Slot
, T. H.
, “Note on Stress and Strain Redistribution in a Notched Plate Specimen During Cyclic Loading
,” Transactions of the American Society of Mechanical Engineers, Series D, Journal of Basic Engineering
, Vol. 91
, 09
, p. 379.5.
, J. F.
, Topper
, T. H.
, and Sinclair
, G. M.
, “Computer Based Simulation of Cyclic Stress Strain Behavior
,” Theoretical and Applied Mechanics Report
No. 326, University of Illinois
, Urbana, 1969
, D. F.
and McConnelee
, J. E.
, “Applications of Finite Element Stress Analysis and Stress-Strain Properties in Determining Notch Fatigue Specimen Deformation and Life
” in Cyclic Stress-Strain Behavior—Analysis, Experimentation, and Failure Prediction
, STP 519, American Society for Testing and Materials
, Philadelphia
, 1973
, pp. 151
, D. F.
and McConnelee
, J. E.
, “Application of Elastic-Plastic Stress Analysis to Notched Fatigue Specimen Behavior
,” presented at the First International Conference on Reactor Technology
, West Berlin
, 1971
, S. J.
, “Simulation of Overload Effects in Fatigue Based on Neuber's Analysis
,” Theoretical and Applied Mechanics Report
No. 325, University of Illinois
, Urbana, 1969
, R. M.
, Morrow
, J.
, and Topper
, T. H.
, “Fatigue of Notched Parts with Emphasis on Local Stresses and Strains
,” Report No. NADC-ST-6818, U.S. Naval Air Development Center
, Warminster, Pa., 09
, T. H.
, Sandor
, B. I.
, and Morrow
, J.
, “Cumulative Fatigue Damage Under Cyclic Strain Control
,” Journal of Materials
0022-2453, JMLSA, Vol. 4
, No. 1
, 03
, pp. 189
, T. H.
and Morrow
, J.
, “Simulation of the Fatigue Behavior at the Notch Root in Spectrum Loaded Notched Members
,” Theoretical and Applied Mechanics Report
No. 333, University of Illinois
, Urbana, 1970
, L. E.
, “A Procedure for Designing Against Fatigue Failure of Notched Parts
,” M.S. thesis, Theoretical and Applied Mechanics, University of Illinois
, Urbana, 1970
, A. B.
and Olson
, B. K.
, “Stress Redistribution in Notched Specimens Under Cyclic Stress
,” ASD Technical Report 61-451, Aeronautical Systems Division, Wright-Patterson Air Force Base
, Ohio, 10
, E.
and Sandor
, B. I.
, “Fatigue Behavior of Notched Steel Specimens
,” Report No. 39, Engineering Experiment Station, The University of Wisconsin
, Madison, 08
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