While commercial biomedical titanium alloys present excellent biocompatibility and corrosion resistance, their poor wear resistance remains a major limitation. In this study, alloying with aluminum was used to improve the tribological performance of an experimental Ti−Si−Zr alloy. The effect of Al content on the alloy's microstructure and mechanical properties was evaluated using X-ray diffraction (XRD), scanning electron microscopy (SEM), and Vickers hardness measurements. Sliding wear testing was performed in a ball-on-disk setup, using stainless steel and silicon nitride counterparts and serum solution lubrication. Microstructural examinations showed that an increase in Al content induced a change from eutectic cell microstructure to regular near-equiaxed particles and produced a solid solution strengthening, increasing alloy's hardness. The adhesive tendencies of the α-Ti matrix to the counterpart dominated the frictional response, and a lower friction coefficient was found against silicon nitride compared to stainless steel. In wear tests against stainless steel counterparts, the alloys showed significantly higher wear rates than the CoCr and Ti−6Al−4V references due to severe abrasive wear, induced by the adhesion of titanium matrix to the counterpart. The Al addition had a positive effect on the wear resistance against silicon nitride due to the solid solution strengthening and the change in microstructure, which reduced the risk of brittle delamination. However, while this gave a trend for a lower wear rate against silicon nitride than the Ti−6Al−4V alloy, the wear rate was still approximately three times higher than that of CoCr.
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April 2019
The Effect of Al Addition on the Tribological Behavior of Ti−Si−Zr Alloys
Serhii Tkachenko,
Serhii Tkachenko
Frantsevich Institute for Problems of
Materials Science,
3 Khrzizhanivskii Street,
Kyiv 03142, Ukraine
e-mail: tkachenkoserhy@gmail.com
Materials Science,
3 Khrzizhanivskii Street,
Kyiv 03142, Ukraine
e-mail: tkachenkoserhy@gmail.com
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Oleg Datskevich,
Oleg Datskevich
Frantsevich Institute for Problems
of Materials Science,
3 Khrzizhanivskii Street,
Kyiv 03142, Ukraine
of Materials Science,
3 Khrzizhanivskii Street,
Kyiv 03142, Ukraine
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Leonid Kulak,
Leonid Kulak
Frantsevich Institute for Problems of
Materials Science,
3 Khrzizhanivskii Street,
Kyiv 03142, Ukraine
Materials Science,
3 Khrzizhanivskii Street,
Kyiv 03142, Ukraine
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Cecilia Persson,
Cecilia Persson
Ångström Laboratory,
Division of Applied Materials Science,
Department of Engineering Sciences,
Uppsala University,
Uppsala 751 21, Sweden
Division of Applied Materials Science,
Department of Engineering Sciences,
Uppsala University,
Uppsala 751 21, Sweden
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Håkan Engqvist
Håkan Engqvist
Ångström Laboratory,
Division of Applied Materials Science,
Department of Engineering Sciences,
Uppsala University,
Uppsala 751 21, Sweden
Division of Applied Materials Science,
Department of Engineering Sciences,
Uppsala University,
Uppsala 751 21, Sweden
Search for other works by this author on:
Serhii Tkachenko
Frantsevich Institute for Problems of
Materials Science,
3 Khrzizhanivskii Street,
Kyiv 03142, Ukraine
e-mail: tkachenkoserhy@gmail.com
Materials Science,
3 Khrzizhanivskii Street,
Kyiv 03142, Ukraine
e-mail: tkachenkoserhy@gmail.com
Oleg Datskevich
Frantsevich Institute for Problems
of Materials Science,
3 Khrzizhanivskii Street,
Kyiv 03142, Ukraine
of Materials Science,
3 Khrzizhanivskii Street,
Kyiv 03142, Ukraine
Leonid Kulak
Frantsevich Institute for Problems of
Materials Science,
3 Khrzizhanivskii Street,
Kyiv 03142, Ukraine
Materials Science,
3 Khrzizhanivskii Street,
Kyiv 03142, Ukraine
Cecilia Persson
Ångström Laboratory,
Division of Applied Materials Science,
Department of Engineering Sciences,
Uppsala University,
Uppsala 751 21, Sweden
Division of Applied Materials Science,
Department of Engineering Sciences,
Uppsala University,
Uppsala 751 21, Sweden
Håkan Engqvist
Ångström Laboratory,
Division of Applied Materials Science,
Department of Engineering Sciences,
Uppsala University,
Uppsala 751 21, Sweden
Division of Applied Materials Science,
Department of Engineering Sciences,
Uppsala University,
Uppsala 751 21, Sweden
1Corresponding author.
Contributed by the Tribology Division of ASME for publication in the JOURNAL OF TRIBOLOGY. Manuscript received April 10, 2018; final manuscript received November 8, 2018; published online January 22, 2019. Assoc. Editor: Bart Raeymaekers.
J. Tribol. Apr 2019, 141(4): 041604 (10 pages)
Published Online: January 22, 2019
Article history
April 10, 2018
November 8, 2018
Tkachenko, S., Datskevich, O., Kulak, L., Persson, C., and Engqvist, H. (January 22, 2019). "The Effect of Al Addition on the Tribological Behavior of Ti−Si−Zr Alloys." ASME. J. Tribol. April 2019; 141(4): 041604. https://doi.org/10.1115/1.4042098
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