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Journal Articles
Journal Articles
Publisher: ASME
Article Type: Research-Article
J. Tribol. March 2019, 141(3): 032201.
Paper No: TRIB-18-1025
Published Online: November 13, 2018
... on the maximum operating temperature. In order to improve thermal behavior of polymer gears, a hybrid polymer gear concept is suggested which consists of a polymer gear tooth with a metallic insert to promote heat evacuation from the meshing surface. The material selection based on finite element method (FEM...
Journal Articles
Publisher: ASME
Article Type: Research Papers
J. Tribol. July 2011, 133(3): 031601.
Published Online: June 23, 2011
... and some parts come to direct contact. If it happens, adhesion can occur, which significantly increases the frictional force and enhances the wear as well. lubrication modeling and simulation wear seal FEM elastomers finite element analysis fracture friction lubrication pressing...
Journal Articles
Publisher: ASME
Article Type: Technical Briefs
J. Tribol. October 2008, 130(4): 044502.
Published Online: August 4, 2008
... are applied to show the difference in the calculation of real contact area for the entire surface with other existing models. The statistical model developed to calculate the real contact area and the contact load for the entire surfaces based on the finite element method (FEM) single asperity model...
Journal Articles
Publisher: ASME
Article Type: Article
J. Tribol. April 2005, 127(2): 387–393.
Published Online: April 7, 2005
... Drive Slider FEM Optimization Static Analysis The main computer data storage, such as the hard disk drive (HDD) has several heads (sliders) and disks. The elements that read and write the magnetic records on the disk are mounted on the heads. The main requirements for modern HDDs are high...