A novel method has been outlined in the first part of this paper aimed at characterization of structure-borne sound transmission from a vibration source coupled via resilient mounts to a receiver. It can deliver the source mobility and its free velocity, together with the mobility of the receiver to which the source is connected, without decoupling the two structures. The only condition which has to be fulfilled is the conservation of coupling forces and moments across the mounts. In this part of the paper the method is examined from the feasibility point of view. A benchmark test is used as a validation reference for the method, where the properties of the resilient mounts are required and are assumed as known but not completely certain. The feasibility of the principal method is tested by virtual experiment involving two built-up plates resiliently connected at several points. The comparison of the benchmark and the principal method is used to illustrate the benefits of the latter given a small error in the supposedly known mount properties.

, and
A. S.
, 2010, “
Structure-Borne Sound Characterization of Coupled Structures—Part I: Simple Demonstrator Model
ASME J. Vibr. Acoust.
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, 1968,
Simple and Complex Vibratory Systems
Pennsylvania State University Press
University Park, PA
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