In this paper, an effective approach to the simulation of wide-sense stationary random time-series, defined by its power spectral density (PSD) is presented. This approach is based on approximating the sample paths of target random process by finite series of sample functions of random processes, obtained as the outputs of suitably chosen set of second-order linear filters to independent limited band Gaussian white noise inputs. Thus, the Gaussian distribution of simulated time-series is obtained without applying the central limit theorem. Also, the Fourier spectra of the simulated sample paths are not discrete functions, as in the case of the multisine random time-series representation used by most classical simulation methods. The method can be applied to any analytical or nonparametric representation of the specified PSD. The proposed approach is applied to simulation of road input sample paths, compatible with PSDs described by analytical forms that can or cannot be derived by linear shape filters. The method is validated by comparison of spectral response of a half-car model to the input induced by a measured road profile with that obtained for the simulated road input. This input is derived from the nonparametric PSD, determined by third-octave filtering of the measured profile. The advantages of the proposed approach are highlighted by its comparison with a conventional method, based on the representation of simulated road input by a sum of harmonics with random phases.
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June 2016
Simulation of Wide-Sense Stationary Random Time-Series With Specified Spectral Densities
Ana-Maria Mitu,
Ana-Maria Mitu
Institute of Solid Mechanics,
Romanian Academy,
15 Constantin Mille,
Bucharest 010141, Romania
Romanian Academy,
15 Constantin Mille,
Bucharest 010141, Romania
Search for other works by this author on:
Tudor Sireteanu,
Tudor Sireteanu
Institute of Solid Mechanics,
Romanian Academy,
15 Constantin Mille,
Bucharest 010141, Romania
Romanian Academy,
15 Constantin Mille,
Bucharest 010141, Romania
Search for other works by this author on:
Marius Giuclea,
Marius Giuclea
Institute of Solid Mechanics,
Romanian Academy,
15 Constantin Mille,
Bucharest 010141 Romania;
Romanian Academy,
15 Constantin Mille,
Bucharest 010141 Romania;
Department of Mathematics,
Bucharest Academy of Economic Studies,
6 Romana Square,
Bucharest 010374, Romania
Bucharest Academy of Economic Studies,
6 Romana Square,
Bucharest 010374, Romania
Search for other works by this author on:
Ovidiu Solomon
Ovidiu Solomon
Institute of Solid Mechanics,
Romanian Academy,
15 Constantin Mille,
Bucharest 010141 Romania;
Romanian Academy,
15 Constantin Mille,
Bucharest 010141 Romania;
Department of Mathematics,
Bucharest Academy of Economic Studies,
6 Romana Square,
Bucharest 010374, Romania
Bucharest Academy of Economic Studies,
6 Romana Square,
Bucharest 010374, Romania
Search for other works by this author on:
Ana-Maria Mitu
Institute of Solid Mechanics,
Romanian Academy,
15 Constantin Mille,
Bucharest 010141, Romania
Romanian Academy,
15 Constantin Mille,
Bucharest 010141, Romania
Tudor Sireteanu
Institute of Solid Mechanics,
Romanian Academy,
15 Constantin Mille,
Bucharest 010141, Romania
Romanian Academy,
15 Constantin Mille,
Bucharest 010141, Romania
Marius Giuclea
Institute of Solid Mechanics,
Romanian Academy,
15 Constantin Mille,
Bucharest 010141 Romania;
Romanian Academy,
15 Constantin Mille,
Bucharest 010141 Romania;
Department of Mathematics,
Bucharest Academy of Economic Studies,
6 Romana Square,
Bucharest 010374, Romania
Bucharest Academy of Economic Studies,
6 Romana Square,
Bucharest 010374, Romania
Ovidiu Solomon
Institute of Solid Mechanics,
Romanian Academy,
15 Constantin Mille,
Bucharest 010141 Romania;
Romanian Academy,
15 Constantin Mille,
Bucharest 010141 Romania;
Department of Mathematics,
Bucharest Academy of Economic Studies,
6 Romana Square,
Bucharest 010374, Romania
Bucharest Academy of Economic Studies,
6 Romana Square,
Bucharest 010374, Romania
1Corresponding author.
Contributed by the Technical Committee on Vibration and Sound of ASME for publication in the JOURNAL OF VIBRATION AND ACOUSTICS. Manuscript received May 5, 2015; final manuscript received February 2, 2016; published online April 13, 2016. Assoc. Editor: Mohammed Daqaq.
J. Vib. Acoust. Jun 2016, 138(3): 031011 (12 pages)
Published Online: April 13, 2016
Article history
May 5, 2015
February 2, 2016
Mitu, A., Sireteanu, T., Giuclea, M., and Solomon, O. (April 13, 2016). "Simulation of Wide-Sense Stationary Random Time-Series With Specified Spectral Densities." ASME. J. Vib. Acoust. June 2016; 138(3): 031011.
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